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Does anyone here have an MFA in Creative Writing? Did you consider one? Talk to me!


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If you have one, do you feel it was a worth while pursuit?  If you decided against it, what were your reasons?



I'm currently going back and forth trying to figure out if the investment is worth it.  I would do a low residency program, which usually don't offer funding.  Almost everything I've read on the subject says not to do it if you are going to take on debt.  I'm not debt-averse, but I also don't want to put myself in a giant hole for little return on the investment.


I'm not sure that I want to teach, which seems like the only reason a writer would really "need" one.  My BA is in English with creative writing emphasis, and I do kind of feel like I've already done the whole workshop thing.


That being said, I'd love to make connections and have a community as well as the dedicated time to work on my craft.  I know I can do that without an MFA program, which is why I'm so torn.

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I don't have one, dh does, and many writer friends. They are worth it if you want to TEACH. If you want a job in academia, teaching other people who want their MFA, then doing an MFA is a good first step. I don't know what it's like over there, but here you'd probably need PhD and/ or substantial publications as well.


My personal view is that writing degrees are great ( I have one ) but they exist mainly to employ writers with writing degrees.


I would think long and hard if it involves any debt. Not convinced on the overall value to your writing - although there are one or two writers I'd go into debt to learn from - it's more value re teaching employability and networking, to some extent.

Yeah, I'm not at all convinced it would be worth it for me. It does seem like a Ponzie scheme, just training more adjuncts to train the next generation of poorly paid adjuncts.


I may just pick some really good programs and apply. I don't want to go just to go.

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