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Fun Story Prompts--help, please!


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Every school day I have my boys (aged 13 and 10) get their creative juices flowing by responding to a fun writing prompt.  They write for only 5 minutes, so the prompt is small and they're expected to write about 4 or 5 sentences. 


There are 180 school days so I need to come up with 180 prompts.  So far, I have 31. 


Anyone want to help me think of some more?  This is kinda fun to do, but I'm thinking I'm going to run out of ideas in about 30 more school days and thought of asking friends on Facebook to help, but really Tthe Hive is better.


Here's what we've done so far so you can see what's expected:


  1. A boy throws a ball into the sky.  It doesn't come back down.  Where did it go?
  2. If you had to have an animal body part, what would you want and why?
  3. Why was there a lamppost in the middle of a wood?
  4. You wake up tomorrow morning with superpowers.  What are they?
  5. If you were to enter a world like Narnia, what would be your doorway?  It has to be something you know about in real life and it can't be a wardrobe.
  6. Answer the witch's question:  What are you? 
  7. You put money in your piggybank.  One day, you break the piggybank to get the money but when you do, there's no longer money inside.  Instead there's…what…inside?
  8. Think of any random word when I say "brush your teeth."  Now, tell a story about your random word and brushing your teeth. 
  9. Eric did his word problem wrong and came up with 162 blankets for everyone vs 2 blankets for everyone.  The question is:  Where did all those extra blankets come from?
  10. Have you ever had a dream such as Lewis described in this chapter?  Write about it.  If not, write about the nicest dream you have ever had.
  11. You can hold your breath for 20 minutes. You swim down to the bottom of the lake across the street.  What do you find on the bottom?
  12. What is the Loch Ness monster?
  13. What stopped the clock in the playroom (not that the batteries died)?
  14. Write down the first word you think of when I say "fluffy kittens".  Now link "Once upon a time…" to that word.
  15. Where do the tiny people in our house live?
  18. Where do all the missing socks go?
  19. If you could time travel, when would you go?
  20. Tell me the sad, sad tale of The Squirrel Who Teased The Cat.
  21. Who would win in a fight, Jedi Knights or the Avengers? Why?
  22. A boy is running as fast as he can down the street carrying a basket.  What is in the basket and why is he running?
  23. Give me a Noun.  Give me a Verb.  Give me a Place that you know.  Once upon a time, a NOUN was VERBING to the PLACE.  Tell what happened next.
  24. If you were invisible, where would you sneak?
  25. Who would win? Wonder Woman or Black Widow.  Why?
  26. Once upon a time, a boy wanted to be a _____ when he grew up.  But he couldn't.  Because…
  27. Give me a household chore.  Give me the name of one of your friends.  Write a story about the chore and your friend.
  28. An object in the house becomes magic (like a magic carpet or a genii lamp).  What is the object and what are its magical properties?
  29. One day, Miles the cat went on a great adventure.  He….
  30. If you could be famous for something, what would you want to be famous for?  Why?
  31. What kind of house do you want to live in?  Why?

Any ideas are welcome.  Feel free to do a variation on any of the above. 



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Well, clearly, a fun story prompt from the Hive would involve cupcakes and kilts… Oh wait, you meant prompts appropriate for the under 18 crowd… ;)



Writing Exercises: Random Scenario Generator -- creates "what if" prompts

Lit Bridge: 75 "What If" Creative Writing Prompts

Writing Forward: 25 Creative Writing Prompts

Creative Writing  Now: Story Starters -- 12 short story scenarios and 10 "what if" prompts

365 Creative Writing Prompts



Below are prompts for when you're ready to move into more formal persuasive essays -- along about 8th grade, DSs really enjoyed having opinions and arguing their points as a regular weekly writing session (timed essays from prompts). Both DSs and myself would write from a choice of 3-4 past SAT essay prompts, all of us write for 10-25 minutes (slowly moved up in time and required quality over high school), and then we shared our essays:


501 Essay Prompts

500 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing

200 Prompts for Argumentative Writing

149 Persuasive Essay Topics and Prompts

101 Persuasive Essay and Speech Topics

100 Persuasive Essay Topics

53 Persuasive Essay Prompts



Happy writing! :) Warmest regards, Lori D.

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There are millions of variations on "Would you rather...?"


And having 2 DSs, I heard that prompt regularly:


"Mom! Mom!"

"What!!" (my anxiety level skyrockets, thinking there is an emergency involving open fractures)

"Would you rather have your arm bitten off by a shark, or be chased by zombies and all you have is a pocket knife…?"

:zombiechase:  :eek:  :001_rolleyes:  :laugh:

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