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Common App Transcript Supplement and Transcript Questions


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So I have a one page transcript that just looks like a traditional transcript with normal classes and state codes.  The State DE school he is attending required a Transcript Supplement with descriptions, textbooks, reading lists, teachers, etc.  It turned out to be 13 pages long.


I can't find a place to put this on the Common App.  Should I make the transcript a 14 page document and just let the real transcript be the first page?  Should I only send the one page transcript and wait for them to ask for the rest?


2. There is a question as to if test scores are on the transcript.  I didn't put them there, as there is very little room and I thought official copies would be better (plus they are self-reported on the app itself).  Should I change the transcript and add them?


3. Are numeric grades necessary on the transcript, since I have a grading scale?  The difference between 94 and 96 seems like arbitrary and unnecessary information.  Our state does put the specifics on official transcripts, so I was trying to follow that, but I'm not sure.


I feel like I'm over-thinking too much of this, but competitive admissions and scholarships already seem so arbitrary, I don't want to do the one little thing to knock him out of the running.
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I uploaded my course descriptions as a second transcript. I did not report test scores on the transcript as I thought that the schools wouldn't be too thrilled with mom reported scores. I did not report numeric grades, just A, A-, B+, etc, but I did have a key that showed the percentages required to earn a particular letter grade.

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I reported all scores on the one-page transcript, including SAT, SAT II's, APs, AMC and AIME. I also had a section that listed awards won.

I had a description for every class listed on the transcript in my Course Description document. I uploaded this file as a second transcript. I awarded letter grades on the one-page transcript and included the grading scale.


Good luck.

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