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What exactly is the assignment?

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Help us decipher these directions! (From the Beautiful Feet Guide to Medieval History): "King Henry II was the great grandson of which famous conquer? Look him up in an encyclopedia and write a brief report and record in notebook." (The answer is that he is the great grandson of William the Conqueror.) But is the report supposed to be on King Henry II or on William the Conqueror?

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Help us decipher these directions! (From the Beautiful Feet Guide to Medieval History): "King Henry II was the great grandson of which famous conquer? Look him up in an encyclopedia and write a brief report and record in notebook." (The answer is that he is the great grandson of William the Conqueror.) But is the report supposed to be on King Henry II or on William the Conqueror?


I'm thinking Henry II, assuming you're supposed to look him up to find the answer to the question, then report on whatever else you find out about him.

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I'm thinking Henry II, assuming you're supposed to look him up to find the answer to the question, then report on whatever else you find out about him.


Yes, I agree with this interpretation. You are given the name Henry II which is then referred to by the pronoun him. You can't look up William the Conqueror if you haven't been given his name yet. However, you are likely to come across it if you look up Henry II.

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LOL! :lol: Two of you supported my ds's argument (William the Conqueror).

Two of you supported my argument (Henry II).

I let ds decide. He did his report on William the Conqueror. I think it is a win-win situation though because he did read up on both of them!


You know what's funny is we used BF Medieval history, too, and I think my daughter did her report on William the Conqueror.:D

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