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Delayed writing class at WTMA

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Has anyone's kid done a writing class as a delayed student at WTMA? Was it still helpful and worth the money? Right now my daughter is signed up for the Prep for Rhetoric as delayed since we can't do the new section that opened up, and the sections we can do are full. I emailed the teacher which was helpful, but it led me to think she would be missing so much good peer feedback. Help!




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Has anyone's kid done a writing class as a delayed student at WTMA? Was it still helpful and worth the money? Right now my daughter is signed up for the Prep for Rhetoric as delayed since we can't do the new section that opened up, and the sections we can do are full. I emailed the teacher which was helpful, but it led me to think she would be missing so much good peer feedback. Help!


DD did delayed "Creative Writing" last year.  It was a 1/2 year course, and mostly for younger kids (not high school as she was in 7th last year).  For that class, it was fine because the feedback did not come during class time, but later as homework.  So, she did get feedback.  It was helpful, but I think if we had done it live it would have been better.


FWIW, Ds did Rhetoric 1 (not the Prep class) last year, and I don't think you would get as much from a delayed course.  But even given that, I would still spend the money for a delayed course as the stuff they learn is really useful.  I just think you are better off not doing delayed if you can swing it.  Sounds like you really don't have a choice, though.


I have been very happy with the experience we have had with WTMA.  Writing is just very hard for me to get done effectively, so it took that burden off my shoulders.  I do intend to have all my kids do their writing (at a minimum) with WTMA.  Hopefully, someone drops out of the time slots that you can make so you child has a spot.


Good luck.

Hot Lava Mama


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Thanks Hot Lava Momma. I'm really kicking myself because I had both of my kids signed up right after registration opened and thought all was well. When just recently I started making preparations for the classes, I discovered I had signed them up for the wrong classes. I was able to get my son into Rhetoric where he belongs, but Prep for Rhetoric for my daughter was full. Ugh!


I too am ready to turn writing over to someone else, and I was so proud of finding the perfect solution and getting it taken care of last spring. Double ugh! I'm trying to see it as glass half full - she is still getting good feedback from the teacher and she can see the feedback others get in class - rather than half empty - she is missing out on the direct class feedback and we are paying the same for less of an experience - all because I was careless. Ugh!

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I am envious of those that get into the live courses, such is the life of an "afterschooler". I was perusing through the WWSI book last night and boy oh boy is this better than what she will get in public school this year. Also I have absolutely no ability or desire to gain ability to teach this.

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They just sent out an email about a new section for Prep for Rhetoric. If you move quickly, you might be able to snag a spot!

Thanks for looking out for me! Sadly, that time is literally the only time all week that she cannot attend a live class. I was so excited when Steve said they were opening a new section, only to see that time and be disappointed. Oh well.

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My son did delayed Rhetoric 1 last year and is doing delayed Rhetoric 2 and delayed Creative Writing right now. Delayed classes work better for our lives so we don't really have a choice, but I do think that the writing classes are better live because of the feedback. Obviously I still think that the delayed classes are worthwhile because I'm having him do them again this year. :)

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Thanks for that feedback, Amira.


My daughter decided she would rather do the live class than her previously scheduled activity which was keeping us from signing up for the new section. So, we just switched from delayed to live today, and I am feeling better about all of it. Yay!


I knew she would find it frustrating to just watch others interacting after the fact, being the social kid she is. My son, OTOH, would prefer the delayed I'm sure, but too bad for him!

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