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Do you let your children sleep in their clothes?

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we are civilized people. We have homes and beds. We don't need to sleep in our clothes. We don't want to walk around *looking* as if we slept in our clothes.


Surely there's some sort of hygiene issue, too. Why would you wear clothes all day that you've already worn for 6-8 hours???


FTR, we also use top sheets.:D


But my sons put on clean T-shirts after they have bathed, sleep in them, then wear them the next day. If they get sweaty in the night they'll change, but I can't see a problem with a pre-pubescent child wearing a shirt for 24 hours. Their T-shirts are soft and don't wrinkle much.



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now THAT depends on the kind of dress one chooses to wear.... some slinky little spandex number can be kinda cool ;)



No, no, no. This was a long sleeved, shapeless sort of thing. Sort of like a giant long sleeved, high-neck t-shirt. When she gets up in the morning she throws a jumper, denim or otherwise, over it and wears it all day.



She says her husband is happy with this arrangement, so more power to them.


My husband would be........less than thrilled.

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