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Random Spurts of Foolishness in the 8-12 year old?


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I have noticed random spurts of absolutely senseless foolishness in my eldest--for example, setting a notebook on the stove, putting canned goods in the bathroom closet, blanking out on how to perform random and easy tasks like tying his shoes or forgetting which way the door opens on a cabinet, bumping into a doorjamb, falling off a chair while wiggling in his seat.


Its not that he doesn't know better, he just....blanks out on all commonsense, I guess. If I catch him in the moment of doing something foolish and challenge his action he gives me a blank stare before snapping too and correcting his mistake. But If I don't catch him mid-action then he will probably not even notice what he's done until I or his brother stumble across the results...


What is going on here? Please tell me that this is a phase.



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Can you say about how long this phase lasted for your boys? I've heard anecdotes from my mom how I was randomly idiotic during 5th-7th grade. My kid isn't showing any signs of puberty, but I'm dreading the idea that this could last for years....

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I don't remember.  It's lost in the haze.  Maybe 12? 


I just remembered something. At age 10 he was in Boy Scouts, actually the transition after Cubs.  A parent had to go to the meetings.  They were all nuts.   All the moms were all shaking their heads all the time, looking weary.


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I dunno, some people say it last forever, lol.


With my oldest it was from about 11-14? He's 15 now so not exactly a paragon of sensibility. He is a particularly imaginative and "artisitic" person, so it might be more pronounced with him.


My younger boy is 10.5 and it hasn't started yet, but I am figuring it will show up in the coming year.


It happens to girls as well. It is a common topic of discussion in the logic stage forum with parents of all kids that age. The tween-early teen brain fog is real!

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