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Jane Austen fans, please help me word a b-day invitation for my dd

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DD is turning 11 and wants a Pride and Prejudice party. She will have 4 friends over, eat dinner (what should I serve?), and watch P&P (the A&E/BBC version). She will also give out a copy of the book as a party favor.


Please help me with the wording for the invite, the menu, and any other ideas you may have.



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tea party (see this blog), with small sandwiches cut out with cookie cutters in perhaps circles, squares, and flowers, lemonade in tea cups, a cake baked in a bundt-type pan (but not overly frosted or "American style"--maybe dusted with powdered sugar).


I'm not sure how to word the invitations, but be sure to use your best British English, maybe on sheets of good parchment-style paper purchased at Office Max. You could have her hand-write them, or else use an Italic-type font and type them up in the Queen's English, centered, etc. For effect, you could use one of those scalloped Fiskar's scissors that people use for scrapbooking, to cut out the invitations or decorate their edges.


Sounds like it will be a fun day! We watched P&P again just before school started, and enjoyed it every bit as much as the other times we've watched it. I think the idea of giving out a copy of the book as a party favor would be great.


Enjoy the party!

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I'm an editor--not a writer. :D But you simply must kick it off with some spin on Jane's famous opening line: It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.


Maybe cut out the single man etc. and stick in something about it being your dd's birthday?


Also, are they really going to watch the A&E version? I think it's, like, 6 hours long, isn't it? :001_huh: (It was awesome, though, that's for sure.)

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They have and they beg and beg for it. DD has read the novel, younger dc quote it. They discuss their favorite characters and their virtues. They tease each other by calling someone a Mr. Collins if their manners are less than desireable....the dc are addicts - and I love it!


Please keep posting your ideas. Thanks for the posts so far.

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Too sweet, Dorothy! I love it, too. In fact, I was just about your dd's age when I read P&P for the first time. And now, about 20 reads later...still magic!


I think it's a great idea. As I said, I'm an editor, not a writer. If you want me to take a look-see when you think you have the wording finalized, I'd be glad to. :001_smile:

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As soon as I read this I thought of Mr. Collins complimenting the potatoes Now if I can just find the line from the book.......off to find my copy of the book which is dearly beloved but in great need of being replaced.

OK here is the dialogue from the book

Mr. Collins: And what excellent boiled potatoes. It's been many years since I had such an exemplary vegetable. To which of my fair cousins should I pay the compliment?

Mrs. Bennet: Mr. Collins, we are perfectly capable of keeping a cook.


sadly this is the only food reference I can recall in the book itself.

Recently there was an English foods thread you might want to check that out.

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Miss Sarah Smith


Would like to extend her cordial invitation


To a Victorian Tea Party


Saturday, the Second of August


At three o'clock in the afternoon


Hosted at her Home


On Thirty-Three Any Road.


Anytown, Some State


Fine teas will be brewed,


And delicate finger sandwiches shall be enjoyed.


Regrets, please call 555/555/5555

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"We shall take a turn about the room after tea." Don't you just love that terminology? "A turn about the room"? :D


Also, make sure you spell all words with proper British spelling, i.e.,


Miss ___________ requests the honour of your presence at a birthday party to be given in her honour, this 27th of September, 2008."


It sounds like you'll have a wonderful party!

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