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Do I need Instructor Guide for Sonlight Science P4/5?


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We got the P4/5 science books from Sonlight, but aren't doing anything else from Sonlight. I just realized the only way for me to get the instructor guide for science is to get the guide that's a combination of other subjects as well. The sample of the Instructor Guide that's online makes it look like it's not even worth getting for just science. All it says is something like "read these pages and do optional activity". 


My question is, if I don't get the instructor guide will I be missing out on anything worth while?

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No, you don't need it just for science. We used the whole P4/5 core but didn't follow the IG for science. My daughter loved those books, so we just read them. We ended up way ahead of schedule in them. We didn't do any of the optional activities, though. We just enjoyed reading and discussing the books. The science books in P3/4 also were good, and would be appropriate for a 4 or 5yo, too, if you wanted more science books to enjoy.

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