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I could use some 9th grade planning help

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I really could use some suggestions. I have never been this delayed or unprepared for the start of school but there have just been other priorities with my younger dd recovering from her concussion. She will not be doing school but my oldest is entering into 9th and I have no clue what we are doing and school starts in two weeks. Can you help with some suggestions, I would really appreciate it.


Here's what we have: She will doing the my homeschool math class live for Algebra 1 and a writing class. I ordered a Fitness for Life book for PE and she does Archery.


We need: Earth Science, Health, and English


She is interested in: Psychology, ASL and loves History. I was thinking of doing a year of Geography since she doesn't need the History this year but her passion is really with Psychology right now.


I have considered: Time 4 Learning (she could do Health, ES, English and Geo) but I don't want her bored either. She typically doesn't like watching DVD's so I am not sure how she will do with this type of situation. It would be easy for me to know she is getting work done and that's it graded. I am pretty sure I won't have a lot of time to be helping and grading. She is a very independent kid. I have also considered GradPoint but I have no experience with that except I would think it's more common core which we have tried to stay away from. Again, it would be online and everything she needs would be there for her.


I am not finding a lot of Earth Science curriculum, most seems to be General Science. If I buy a book then I have to figure out English and Health too. We have done MCT before and loved that, she loves writing and I think a great intriguing course (versus a boring one) would be great for her. She has done a year of latin/greek roots. She needs spelling help and probably more grammar review. I hate piecing English together with 4 or 5 different programs. I need something more streamline but I also don't want her to suffer and hate all her work. I have looked for literature classes online but everyone is full, like Virtual homeschool. Something like that where she could read and have work assigned would interest her but I don't have time to plan it. I don't even know if that would count for English.


She would really like to study Psychology but I don't want to overwhelm her. I wanted to try and do a 15 week ES class for the first semester and let her do a Psychology for the second semester but I am not finding locally what I need. This seems like something that would be interesting in a classroom setting.


Any suggestions you can give me? TIA

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I don't know if your budget or religious views permit these, but here are my attempts at helping you plan:

Earth Science:  Starline Press, carried by Rainbow Resource.  Several booklets.  Looks independent.  I have no actual experience with them, but I have eyed them before.  http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/sku/051446


Health:  I am actually using Abeka Health from a Christian Perspective with my 9th grader this year.  She is doing it independently, reading a couple pages at a time.  When she gets to a "Section Review," she completes it.  When it's time for a Quiz, she takes it, open book.  I am doing this as a get 'er done course for 0.5 credit.


English:  I know you said you want an all-in-one, but it also doesn't sound like that would fit your needs.  Writing, you said, is taken care of.  You could choose a get 'er done lit book, like BJU Fundamentals of Literature, or you could just have her read literature that goes with the time period of history she is studying.  (Personally, we are studying SWB's History of the Ancient World, and so for Literature, I am using D'Aulaire's Greek Myths with Memoria Press student and teacher guide (love Memoria Press!), followed by Trojan War with Memoria Press guides.  I know Memoria Press says it's for middle school.  I don't agree and I don't care.  It's good stuff and matches my goals of content knowledge.)


I am thinking Easy Grammar 9 would work for you, if you need a grammar.  


I have no suggestions for spelling.  We are using Abeka Vocabulary, Spelling, and Poetry III but my dd is a natural speller.


Best of luck!



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I'd recommend you go with Psychology since it's a current interest and could help with understanding your younger dd.


How about a free course through futurelearn.com or coursera.org? My dd just finished Start Writing Fiction through Future Learn and really enjoyed it. We both learned a lot! She's going to take The Science of Medicines starting next week as she's interested in pharmacy: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/the-science-of-medicines









I've heard good things about North Star Geography: https://www.brightideaspress.com/shop/north-star-geography/

It's from a Christian perspective.


Could you use one of the high school levels of Learning Language Arts Through Literature? http://www.commonsensepress.com/gold.htm


We use The Phonetic Zoo for spelling here.




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I'm not sure how funds are, but since she's already taking a writing class, had you thought about just adding something like Shakespeare? She could do Hamlet, Romeo & Juliet or Macbeth (or all three, theoretically). It won't help her spelling or grammar as there is no 'output' (other than an optional final for each class that you can administer yourself), but they are very interesting and delightfully educational. I wouldn't personally give them any credit on their own, but they roll into your English credit nicely because she's already taking a writing class.


No help on the others. Good luck!

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Thank you for the suggestions. It sounds like T4W and GradPoint aren't desirable options. I agree with the psychology point that someone made, especially as it relates to what is going on in the house and her interest. It might be why she is so interested too. She is really trying to help her sister and has been a great support to us both. I will look at the other suggestions more tomorrow but wanted to come back and say thank you for taking the time to help. I appreciate it.

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I don't know if your budget or religious views permit these, but here are my attempts at helping you plan:

Earth Science:  Starline Press, carried by Rainbow Resource.  Several booklets.  Looks independent.  I have no actual experience with them, but I have eyed them before.  http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/sku/051446


Health:  I am actually using Abeka Health from a Christian Perspective with my 9th grader this year.  She is doing it independently, reading a couple pages at a time.  When she gets to a "Section Review," she completes it.  When it's time for a Quiz, she takes it, open book.  I am doing this as a get 'er done course for 0.5 credit.


English:  I know you said you want an all-in-one, but it also doesn't sound like that would fit your needs.  Writing, you said, is taken care of.  You could choose a get 'er done lit book, like BJU Fundamentals of Literature, or you could just have her read literature that goes with the time period of history she is studying.  (Personally, we are studying SWB's History of the Ancient World, and so for Literature, I am using D'Aulaire's Greek Myths with Memoria Press student and teacher guide (love Memoria Press!), followed by Trojan War with Memoria Press guides.  I know Memoria Press says it's for middle school.  I don't agree and I don't care.  It's good stuff and matches my goals of content knowledge.)


I am thinking Easy Grammar 9 would work for you, if you need a grammar.  


I have no suggestions for spelling.  We are using Abeka Vocabulary, Spelling, and Poetry III but my dd is a natural speller.


Best of luck!


I really like the looks of the Abeka Health book. I think I will go with that for Health. Thank you.


I am also very curious about their English 9 program. It looks like I would have to buy everything independently but then the whole program works together so she could get the Literature portion, Grammar, Spelling and Vocabulary. Have you used all of these books? Any advice on the English program as a whole?



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I really like the looks of the Abeka Health book. I think I will go with that for Health. Thank you.


I am also very curious about their English 9 program. It looks like I would have to buy everything independently but then the whole program works together so she could get the Literature portion, Grammar, Spelling and Vocabulary. Have you used all of these books? Any advice on the English program as a whole?


I have not used their Lit or Grammar.  Every time I try, it doesn't go well.  It's just not a good fit for us.  


Yes, the programs are designed to complement each other.


My dd is a visual spatial, whole to parts learner, if that helps.  I have NEVER been able to use Abeka Grammar, even though throughout the years, I have owned several of their grammar books.  They are very well done and cover great stuff.  It's just not a fit for my dd or my teaching style.  


We do usually use Abeka's spelling, and we are using it for 9th grade this year. 


I like the looks of their Lit book, and actually own an old version of the Themes in Literature.  That seems like it might work well for you.  I personally really like my Lit to match my history, so that's why I don't use it.

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Thank you Perky!


After some time thinking here is where I am at with things, not sure if it's a good plan


English: Learning through Literature (gold book) that Jaz recommended

               Easy Grammar 9 (suggested)

               Continue with English from the Roots up for Vocab

               Spelling City or something for Spelling


Writing:  Class


Math:     Lial's Algebra 1 with myhomeschoolmathclass


Health:   Abeka Christian Health (suggested)


PE:         Family Time Fitness with Archery


Science: Starline Earth Science (as of right now. I like the way it looks just not sure the school will pay for it and it's too expensive if not)


Psychology: Looking at Holt or maybe a class 2nd semester


No history this year


Does this seem like a good plan?

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For psychology, were using a text called Psych by Rathus. The second edition is only a few bucks used on Amazon. It's got study notes in the back. If you buy a new one, it has a code with online resources including chapter tests and study aids.


Sent from my SM-T217S using Tapatalk

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All books have been ordered, I appreciate everyone's help! This was such a huge blessing to me and I feel very good about the selections I made based on all your recommendations!


Thanks again - ordered both spelling since I couldn't decide :confused1:


:hurray: :hurray:

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