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Hoffa Syndrome--Can ds play soccer?

Harriet Vane

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My son was diagnosed with Hoffa Syndrome. 


Anyone have any experience with this?


Can he play soccer?


I am concerned because he still has pain after five days of rest. If he doesn't play soccer this week, it is likely he will not be on the school team. This would be absolutely devastating for him.


I don't want to make the injury worse, but I don't want to give up his dream of high school soccer without a fight, either.


Any experience? Words of hope? Advice?



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This sounds like a good question for his orthopedist.  His doctor should be able to give you a general idea as to how severe your DS's case is. 


Of course we will ask a doctor. We've seen a doctor (last week), who said ice and ibuprofen would take care of it in a few days. It didn't. We will see the doctor again as quickly as possible.


In the meantime, I'd love to get some perspectives and advice if anyone has any to offer.

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Of course we will ask a doctor. We've seen a doctor (last week), who said ice and ibuprofen would take care of it in a few days. It didn't. We will see the doctor again as quickly as possible.


In the meantime, I'd love to get some perspectives and advice if anyone has any to offer.

I have a daughter whose gymnastics career was taken down by an injury, so I know the feeling of disappointment by both athlete and uncertainty as the parent trying to figure out what is best for our child.


I looked up the syndrome and the first thing I saw was stop running, and that doesn't bode well for a soccer player. Your son is young enough that he might have to sit out this season and try out again next year while spending this year doing PT for the injury. My best advice is to prepare him for this possible outcome to the best of your ability. My DD was devasted and it took a long time to get over. Finding a sport that she could still participate in really helped her move on (in her case it was taekwondo).

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My daughter had patellar tendinitis and had to give up figure skating (she was on a team) for 2 years. She tried and tried but limping off the ice in tears everytime became too much.


It took 3 orthopedist and a giant leg brace to get her to admit that rest was what she needed.


Good luck!

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