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I think we've got it all upside down. We expect 5 year olds (or younger!!) to sit and WORK and push and fill their days with stuff they could learn in half as much time 3 years later. But we continue (my kids had 3 years of public school - homework in K, standardized testing multiple times a year, 90 minute sessions of instruction in 1st grade!) throughout the early years. Then we see the benefit of play and try to teach play in our curriculum in the later years, and see young adults spending gap years trying to find themselves and have fun before buckling down again... Let little kids be little kids while they are little, and let them grow into the mantle of work because they have satiated the need to be a child!

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Discovery-based learning to blame for students' declining math skills (CTV News - Canada): http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/discovery-based-learning-to-blame-for-students-declining-math-skills-report-1.2394637


A critique of problem-based learning at the University of British Columbia (BC Medical Journal - Canada):


Wowser! The first article's intro pic has a student with a HORRIBLE pencil grasp. Yikes I hate that.


Our hs cover offers drama, singing, and public speaking to the students, and the students love it.  My State has competitions for that kind of thing alongside art (sculpture, painting, and sketches), music, and photography.  I am little disappointed that the article omitted those things.

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PBL must mean different things to different people.  The art classes that are taught in my neck of the woods are PBL and cross multiple subjects.  My hs cover associates with the state Christian Educators Association, and the kids work on their Art Fair projects for weeks and weeks   The State Science Fair is huge here as well.  National History Day is popular in certain parts of the country.  These projects earn high school credit, scholarship, and prize money.


Yes, I am all for connecting the educational dots across multiple disciplines.  DS definitely learns best with multisensory instruction that suits his interests, and DS never could have produced print advertising materials to illustrate logical fallacies without first studying computer generated graphics and sw products first.  

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