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I am so frustrated with my house and my body!

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Ok. It IS Feb. And I am sure I am getting burnt out, but seriously my house is a disaster and my body is a wreck. The kids are always fighting and still complain every day of having to do school. And "why do we have to do school on snow days?????"

Many of my friends who used to homeschool, do not anymore, and those that do, are just as busy as I am and we never manage to see each other. I am feeling alone and misunderstood! I am called a supermom, but it makes me feel like they have NO idea. I am in this for the long haul. My oldest is in 5th grade and the youngest is 3 1/2.

Seriously, I do not have time or $ to work out 3 or more times a week without it affecting everything else. Does anyone else feel justified for not taking care of yourself as well as other SAHM or part-time working moms?? Did I mention I am a coordinator at a new MOPS group at church? I haven't even had a haircut since August!! The 3 yr old is destroying the house while we work!! My neighbor wants to know when can her 4 yr old have a sleepover at our house? ARGGGGGGGh.

When does it get easier???????? I need a vacation.

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My house is always a wreck, my pregnant body was out of shape before and will be worse when I have this baby, I miss my friends, feel like nobody really gets my life, etc. This too shall pass is my only words of comfort for you and for me! Right now, I feel very lonely. I don't have time to see my friends when they are free (during the day!). My kids have been complaining about school, but realize they don't want to go back to ps. THey treat me like dirt, whine, complain, fight, etc. We started a new chore system and it is working to a degree but the house still looks like a tornado blew through. I have no idea where I'm going to put this baby once he's born... See? You are NOT alone. I'll keep you in my prayers. Just know that it will get better/easier (so I hear!). Either that, or you will get used to it. The lonliness hits me hard b/c I'm such a social person (which is why I'm on the boards 24/7 it seems!). Hugs to you.

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Many of my friends who used to homeschool, do not anymore, and those that do, are just as busy as I am and we never manage to see each other. I am feeling alone and misunderstood! I am called a supermom, but it makes me feel like they have NO idea. I am in this for the long haul. My oldest is in 5th grade and the youngest is 3 1/2.

Seriously, I do not have time or $ to work out 3 or more times a week without it affecting everything else. Does anyone else feel justified for not taking care of yourself as well as other SAHM or part-time working moms?? Did I mention I am a coordinator at a new MOPS group at church? I haven't even had a haircut since August!! The 3 yr old is destroying the house while we work!! My neighbor wants to know when can her 4 yr old have a sleepover at our house? ARGGGGGGGh.

When does it get easier???????? I need a vacation.


Okay - first things first - where in MI are you??? Our kids are close in age!!!


Second - I totally understand!!! My friends think I'm super-mom too. But I feel totally inadequate most of the time!!


First - schedule a hair appointment!!! Seriously, it's been too long!! :D


Second - schedule a vacation!!!!


Third - call me if you are anywhere near me so we can get together!!!!


Fourth - sorry I'm not really much help! I just wanted you to know you aren't alone!!!!

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The Flylady website really helped me develop a routine to keep my house in order.


Having a toddler is difficult in any situation. I have found that my days are better now that everyone is out of the toddler stage. My boys can get their own drinks, go to the bathroom, buckle themselves in the car, put on (and almost tie) their own shoes, etc. Life is a little more free now, and I feel less frazzled. You're almost there; hang on!

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Seriously, this post actually makes me feel better. Thank you. Many days I feel like I am really messing up homeschooling. And the kids fighting drives me nuts. I feel like if things were good, then they would be happy and then they wouldn't behave like this, right?


AND...(And I swear this is true) we've been reading Little House in the Big Woods and I think that is making things worse. The reason is, some part of me thinks my kids should behave like those kids and when they are disrespectful, disobedient, rude, fighting or whining I think "The kids in Little House would NEVER behave like that!" So I am even more frustrated because of Little House, lol! I think this happened when we read it last year too!


ANd whenever I get one thing under control everything else falls apart. Last year at this time I started exercising regularly. It took too much time. Also, the thing that I found I could do was exercise videos. However, this all was too hard with the kids. It was hard for me to watch them. And they always wanted a show themselves afterward. It seemed like half the day was gone when all was said and done. So now I am just getting chubby,but I know this is better for the kids.(Not my being chubby,just not the exercise videos in the a.m.)


I could go on and on,but I've already taken over too much. Sorry. Yes, I can relate. I guess I just am trying to find the right balance. As for exercise, I think we'll be doing more nature walks, as spring is almost here. Well, hang in there, I'm sure we are doing what is best for our dc, so that should be what we keep in mind. Kim

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I am in Grand Blanc. We moved here from Westland in 2003. Yes I need to schedule a haircut! My neighbor is a hair dresser and I can't even seem to get over there! My excuse now is that I am growing my hair..but i know it needs a good trim.

Hey Woolybear...don't forget that the Little House books were written from the child's perspective! She probably didn't remember her mother going cuckoo!

I can't wait for Spring, but here in Michigan it does get rather muddy and wet. We really don't have a Spring. It goes from Winter to cold and wet to HOT!!! (Right Jennifer?)

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