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Weird sighting

Night Elf

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I saw a group of camp kids at the local pizza place. There must have been close to 20 kids. As I walked by their tables, each had a pizza tray in front of them with their own pizzas. Now I'm not talking about a personal pan size, I'm talking a size with 8 slices. Most had 3 pieces eaten. Next to their tables was a huge stack of pizza boxes. So I guess the deal is they eat their own pizza and bring home the leftovers. But this was like 11:30 in the morning. I wondered when they got out of camp. Surely they didn't have a refrigerator big enough for almost 20 boxes, so they would have to be left out. Perhaps they were being picked up early afternoon. Then I thought that maybe not everyone feels the need to refrigerate leftover pizza right away. I wonder what other kinds of activities these kids were doing in that camp? I would have loved bringing home my very own pizza when I was their age, which looked to be young elementary school kids.

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We have a little camp here set up by an artist lady (a friend of a friend) and a pizza parlor.  The kids spend 4 days (9-12) doing painting/art with the artist and the last day each makes "art" on his/her very own pizza at the pizza parlor.  Last year it was her and a candy maker - same deal 4 days of art and then one day of your "art" being homemade candy.


Maybe it was something like that?  Where making their own pizza to take home was the activity of the day?

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