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Block scheduling or stretching subjects out?

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Trying to do planning for next school year and struggling with my 2 older kids.  My oldest is in 10th and my middle son is in 7th.  I am trying to decide is it better to focus on a few subjects at one time and space them out over the year or to have 9 subjects being stretched out throughout the year.  (Of course some things would not be done that way such as our Bible and nature time that we do as a family.) I have always stretched it out but as my oldest is already starting to take college courses where the classes are in shorter more intense courses I wonder if I should let him do all of his subjects that way.  How do you feel about this?  How well do they really learn it?  I am reading too many books and am killing my brain.  Would love to hear others opinions!  Thanks!

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I think this really depends on the child and the specific circumstances at that time.  You might try block scheduling for content subjects such as History and Science and see how it goes.  As maize said, I wouldn't do block scheduling for math, foreign language, musical instrument, etc.  Those really need consistent work over time, preferably daily or at least every other day.

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