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Can maggots crawl quickly? Or, what other larve look similar to maggots?


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This doesn't actually matter much; the larvae were not spotted in or near my home. However, Saturday night, I noticed a small white worm crawling on the wooden deck where we were waiting to watch fireworks. (Outside of a bar, near the water.) After pointing it out to Dh, we then saw there were many of the larvae crawling all around the deck and between the boards. Dh is repulsed, insisting they are maggots (which indeed is possible), but I believe there are many insects that have a larval stage like this, and so did not conclude that they were definitely maggots. Additionally, they were scurrying along rather quickly, which I did not think maggots do, though perhaps they do when they are fully developed as larvae and are heading off to pupate. (Mercifully, I don't have extensive experience with maggots, but the experience I do have was only with the larvae still at the host.)


So are there any entomologists here who could tell me if this could be something besides maggots? :D

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I don't think termites. Not sure. Definitely of the worm/caterpillar-type body, but enough leg action to actually move, not squirm.

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I've seen maggots scurry. They can be pretty fast and travel far. My guess is that the trash needed to be taken out. Sorry!


Eww. Thanks. Probably true. Blech.

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I have seen maggot squirm fast and they are horrible. But, I don't think they go squirming around unless they have been disturbed. Could that be right?

I think they scurry away from their host source when they are ready to pupate. But I'm no expert. I have a theory that there was something beneath the floor of the deck that was a source, or possibly the source was nearby trash/dumpster.

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We had them in a garage, under a compost can. When we moved the can they went squirming everywhere! It was so horrible!! We had to get rid of them fast, and the only way was to squish them!! Ugh!!! I would not have believed there could be so many and that they would move so fast...

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