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anyone get an ADHD diag AFTER their kids were Dx'ed?

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I'm just wondering if there are any parents that recently started or

working on finding a med for themselves?



MY dd has been dx'ed since she was 4 but we stopped meds a year ago

(side effects were greater than the benefits).


Now i've been told in the past I had it but I didn't follow up after I did not like the two meds the dr tried me on. I never got a chance to go back (distraction/procrastination). that was over 5 years ago.


Now I married to a GREAT DH (who probably has it as well).

I have the 12 yr old home schooling for the first year and my 3 and 1 yr olds at home.


I am overwhelmed. My chronic disorganization was a struggle but now i am buried with trying to keep things together for everyone one in the house. I want/need to have the house clean and organized but I find myself mad more days than not because I feel like the hamster in the metal wheel trying to catch up.


I have a copy of driven from distraction. I just tripped over it next to my bed. i've never been able to read more than a hand

full of pages at a time though (distraction/procrastination). Today I'm wondering if with all that is going on or not going on lately, perhaps I should find a dr and look into trying out meds again. I would rather something natural but (while I was working and had money) I tired many natural things that didn't work.


any thoughts suggestions?

anything new that I haven't heard about?



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I haven't but I know some moms on the Sonlight forum that have started meds/treatment as adults.


For natural stuff you could try:


http://www.omegabrites.com or other very high quality omega 3. There are studies on the website about its effectiveness in ADHD. My kids take 3 per day.


Diet higher in protein and less refined carbs


Daily exercise and sunshine


reg. sleep and eating habits


There are many newer meds out there with fewer side effects that might help you and/or your daughter. If you do seek out a doctor, try to find one with LOTS of experience with these meds---likely a psychiatrist over a reg. doctor that just does a little bit of stuff with ADHD in with all of the other medical stuff.

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I never thought of myself as ADD, but I've been seeing a therapist for severe anxiety/phobias, and after about six weeks of appointments, he suggested he thought I might be inattentive ADD. I'm not sure, there are aspects of ADD that sure do explain a lot about me, but I really can't remember if I always had these issues. ADD doesn't just develop as an adult, for a true diagnosis, it must always have been a problem. I might have had these issues back as a kid, but I don't remember. Anyway, even if I am ADD, I think I must be mild. So at this point, I'm not pursuing it further, but still in therapy trying to deal with my many phobias/depression/anxiety/self-esteem issues.


I tried Strattera, but it made my blood pressure shoot up really high, so I stopped. Haven't tried stimulant meds.


My DH has an appointment at the end of the month to be evaluated for ADD. Now, there is NO question about him, he is RAGING ADD, and always has had many issues/problems due to it. Never could pay attention in school, struggled to learn, totally impulsive, never thinks of consequences, always looking for high stimulation thrills. DH hasn't been willing to admit that he is obviously ADD, so it is a big deal that he has made this appointment. I am praying that meds will help him, because truthfully, his ADD has been a huge strain on our marriage.


DS is just like dad. Ritalin LA has helped, although not as much as I had hoped. But DS also struggles with severe LD's, so he has more to deal with than just ADD.


Anyway, there are lots of people who realize they are ADD after their kids get diagnosed. Hopefully you can get a good evaluation, and find some help!


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