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Do you do any kind of Morning Routine or Circle Time?


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My younger DD will be "officially" starting to homeschool soon (joining her older sister) and I'm curious to learn how other homeschoolers start their day. If you have a regular Morning Routine or Circle Time (or whatever) in your home, could you please share what you do? I'm always looking to fine-tune our routines and I generally love to hear how others do things, simply to get inspiration and refresh what we've got going. Thanks!

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Yes. We do "Morning Basket" which includes

-scripture devotional

-memory work

-vocabulary of the day (Marie's Words)

-one of either poet, composer, artist, or famous thinker bio and their work

-other things like 7 Habits for kids, 365 Manners, etc

-read aloud

After this hour together we divide (I have 4 kids) and dig into different aspects of our other work. I love that we have this time together - this hour and what we do in it has brought beauty, wonder, and peace back into our homeschool.

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Most of our formal homeschool days have been done for more than a month right now but in the fall I'm planning on doing two "group times". The first one is more of an enrichment or spiritual type morning time over breakfast. I'm thinking of starting by discussing our upcoming day and expectations and eceptions, then on with CM style picture study, reading from books such as "How to Behave and Why" or "Book of Virtues", french and latin vocab review, picture book read alouds and then (once their plates and hopefully their mouths are empty) memory work (everything from their address to poems, list of prepositions to skip counting by six).


After chores and an hour of playtime, we start up again with more "academic" group stubjects: word problem of the day for the olders, calendar for the youngers, grammar, writing, latin and history novel read aloud (they have handwork boxes to keep busy while I read for a while). We spend time working on a weekly blog post on their private blogs for about 10-15 minutes a day as well.


Another break and we do either Nature Study, Science or History, then it's lunch time :). We'll tackle individual one-on-one work with the older kids after another playtime while the toddler naps in the afternoons. I can't say how well it's working, this will be new. We've stuffed a day into one long morning so far and I think it's time for something to give. I hope this is the answer!

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In past we have done: praying, hymn, scripture memory, read aloud. That's sort of a bare minimum plan. I'm planning a beefed up version this year. The Simply Convivial blog has been an inspiration and (very very loosely, mostly mindset about content and scheduling) the AO folks.

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