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Writing Instruction?

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My youngest is 11 and going to be starting "6th grade" - I have not done a very good job with him when it comes to writing instruction. We have completed half of the "how to outline" book suggested by WTM, he knows how to write a paragraph and he can identify main ideas etc.  He should know a lot more than that by now. We use TOG and I do have writing aids, but I haven't successfully executed it with this child for some reason. I want to give assign him many of the writing topics this year, but he really needs some more instruction first. I don't know why I am having such a hard time with this.


I would like to spend this summer working on his writing skills, but I am not sure what to do.  I was looking at Writing With Skill, but I think it is going to be over his head.  Should I just finish the "how to outline" workbook first? Or can he work through that and simultaneously work through a writing program?


What are your favorite "learning to write" curriculums and why?

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Expensive, but I'm so glad I forked over for it, IEW.  I've used a TON of writing curriculum including WWS 1 (which I did like also).  This is the first time I feel in control of the situation.  It has helped me understand the process.  I only wish I had found it sooner.  I've never had issues with writing as a student, but trying to explain it someone else is hard.  It's so vague.  It's not like math where either it's right or wrong.  It feels less vague to me these days.





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We use the Classical Composition series published by Memoria Press. However, next year we're also going to dabble a bit with Killgallon's "Sentence Composing for Middle School." While it's not a full writing curriculum, I mention it because I think you could cover the book in the summer and it is a "writing skills" book. There are also Killgallon books for paragraphs.

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I highly suggest listening to the audio lectures on writing by Susan Bauer. You can download each one for $3.99. If you scroll down on the link she has a lecture for elementary, middle grades, and Highschool. I would suggest listening to all 3.


I am re-listening to the elementary right now, and listening to the other two for the first time. It is the best writing help I have found for boys. I listened to the elementary one two years ago and it was instrumental in moving my boys forward in writing abilities. My oldest is yours son's age - 11 and coming up on 6th grade.


Here is the link:



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