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My kids need some classically educated/homeschooled friends


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Or, my kids are really big history nerds :-)


(I mean this as a light thread, not an argument about the merits of public school.)


My kids have some public school friends over for the afternoon. We are currently listening to the first volume of SOTW for the third time because they love their audiobooks. DS asked his friend if she wanted to listen to stories about Julius Caesar, to which she replied, "What is that?!" Their friends are sweet, they just have slightly different interests.

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How old is he?  Because I can tell you that if my kids asked any other kid if they wanted to sit around and listen to stories about, well, anything, when they could be playing and *doing* things, they'd probably get turned down.  *I* would turn them down, especially if we'd heard it/read it before.  LOL  In fact, I have a couple of kids who have gotten obsessed about one subject or another and I feel like it was good advice on my part to teach them how to be interested in what interests OTHERS, not expect their interests to be accommodated every time they hang out, and how that is part of being a friend.  Sometimes the other kid hasn't learned that same lesson, but we try to be OK with that.  :)  Maybe you could have some history-related crafts or activities available to do to test the waters?

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My kids love studying history with friends.  We have a small co-op based on SOTW, so they all can sing "We're the MesopoTAAAA-MIIIAAAANS" all together at the top of their little lungs.


Before we found our co-op, they just played their strange games together.  Romans and Visigoths was a favorite.  It originally involved ransacking the living room, but then evolved into a kind of tag that had more universal appeal and could be quickly explained and played on a playground.

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Joyofsix, I think it's good to have our different kids keeping teachers on their toes!


My kids just like having their audiobooks on all. the. time. (To the point that I've had to limit them a bit) as they are playing everything else, so not sitting and listening to it as the activity. I was more amused that his friend had no idea what he was talking about, and being the homeschooled child of two big history nerds, being excited about ancient Roman rulers is totally normal for him.

He wasn't bothered by her lack of interest and moved on to playing house quite well.


As an aside, I want to like people's replies, but I haven't figured out how to do it on my phone.

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