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Dumbbell recommendations? For dd16s PT. Also anyone use a Body Blade?


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We are doing some PT for strength training in DD16.  We are targeting her shoulders and core.  The PT recommends that we buy some dumbbells and either a shaker weight or a Body Blade.  DD used 2,3, 5 and 8 lbs weights in PT so I need to find a good sized set or individuals. I was looking on line but it is hard to know what the texture is. I am noticing a huge price difference between a few brands and wonder if they are really worth that much more.  I figure this is something that she will likely have for a very long time, so if $50 buys a nicer product, I would rather invest now, so she can have them forever. 


The shaker weight isn't too expensive, but the Body Blade is about $100 (or up).  Dd liked using thee blade the best but I don't know if it is worth it.



I really don't mind investing in these items for her, I just don't really know what items are the best to buy.She is a cheerleader and is thinking about going back into volleyball.  Building her shoulders will absolutely pay off in the long run.  Any suggestions?

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We have free weights on a rack that allows us to dial how much weight we need at a time. DH and I are both way over 50 and need weight training to minimize age related muscle atrophy. DD14 uses them daily also to help strengthen her core for dance. DS also has a set of these weights by Bowflex. It is nice to have 2.5 to 250 pound weights all on one little stand that doesn't take up much room. But, they are pricey. It might be worth a Christmas present if you feel the whole family might get some use.


But, if you only need about three sizes of free weights, it might be better just to go to the local athletic shop and let your son pick some out. A good set should run about $15 to $25. Make sure the grip is relatively soft, but not slippery. Also make sure your son's hand fits nicely on the bar. Some bars are too narrow or too short for large hands. Yet, if the bar is too long, the weight np may feel unstable. It would be hard to get a good fit ordering online.

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I love our BodyBlade, and use it every single day; it's just so easy to pick up and use.


(QVC had it for well under $100, I wanted to be able to return it if it was junk or never used.)  I'm not sure if they come in different levels, ours is a classic.

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