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CLE teacher guides?


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Yes! The Math is a full solution guide for every problem. It also has helpful tips. When you purchase the TM, you do not need the answer key set which is just the answers, no full solutions.



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I don't have or feel the need for teacher's guides. Sometimes we skip some sections when it asks for material from the guide but it's no big loss. I feel pretty confident in myself w/ 6th grade math and LA, though. The LA may be more necessary if you don't feel your grammar background is strong because they are pretty nitpicky.

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Math TG includes solutions, LA 6 doesn't currently, because it is still 1st edition Sunrise. However it does include alternate tests in case your child needs a retest. I buy it for that.


Make sure you use the placement tests before ordering :).

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The teacher's manuals are wonderful! For me, it is a lifesaver. It isn't that I cannot calculate the correct answer to a long division problem. But with 5 kiddos, I don't want to add pages and pages of calculations to my daily "to do" list. With the teacher's manual beside me I can bust through corrections for four kids and quickly be finished. 

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You can survive without the TM, but as mentioned above, especially for math, it is a huge help since it has complete solutions for every problem, as well as the helpful suggestions and ideas for how to present concepts.  Answer key is unnecessary if you get the TM.  I don't have time to do every problem.  Soooo much easier to just whip through grading with the TM.  And if I or my child is uncertain about something the TM gives a bit more explanation than the WB.


Another benefit of the TM is if we are traveling, I sometimes just carry the TM and write problems from it on the dry erase board for the kids to practice instead of worrying about keeping up with the WBs.  


One benefit I had not anticipated was being able to easy to flip back to previous light units, too, and look something up instead of having to dig through the physical workbooks to find information/concepts, etc.

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