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CLE Reading vs. Pathway Readers?


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DS is going into 2nd grade. We're finishing up LoE Foundations C & I've decided not to continue into D. I'm not quite ready to make the leap into curriculum-free "just reading", I need a bit of hand holding. I chose CLE LA and that lead me to CLE's reading program and then one thing lead to another and I was looking into Pathway Readers.


It seems like they are very similar programs. Looking at the samples, CLE seems to go a bit more in depth, but I'm a little worried about the phonetic markings. We're used to the one's used in LoE, but we rarely "see" them. I'll mark a word if DS gets stuck, but for the most part, we're beyond that. I'm concerned that they'll cause more confusion (more for me than DS) than anything else. Surely the readers themselves don't have phonetic markings? It's just in the workbooks?


Any opinions on each or both program is greatly appreciated! :D 

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I've never used CLE so can't compare them.  My DD is also going to be finishing up LOE C soon and also going into 2nd grade.  She loves the Pathway Readers.  In all honesty, it surprised me a little at first, but they are one of the few things she wants to read when she has to read aloud to me.  They list either on the bottom of the page or at the back of the book each new word as they are introduced (if at the back of the book it lists them next to the page number on which they are introduced).  It's easy for me to quick look at the list and see if we need to review anything before we read.  I plan to continue them next year.  I also love how inexpensive they are.


ETA:  We don't use the workbook, just the readers.  There are no phonetic markings or syllable breaks marked in the readers.

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Guest Mkline

My son used logic of English foundations as their primary phonics in the first years. I have tested them recently for CLE LA and when those markings came up I was so surprised he figured them out without any explanation! I think it'd be an easy lesson to teach if she needed a little lesson on what the new markings mean. They are quite similar to LOE really. They're just dots instead of lines.

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I have had the CLE books for several years (all levels), but we had not tried the light units until this year. They are good, but if we use the LA as well, it just gets to be a bit much. While we appreciate the KJV translation of the Bible, we use the ESV in our home and that can make the bible verse portions a bit more difficult to handle, but only if I am not immediately on hand to help them.


We are using Climbing to Good English for grammar (we skip the respellings, due to personal preference) and the Pathways vocabulary workbooks to go with the readers. This combination is working well for us.

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We just finished CLE Reading 2 and didn't much bother with the diacritical markings.  It was pretty easy to skip it, if you want.


We tried Pathway Readers, but my daughter just wasn't interested in the stories.   :confused:   She liked the variety of stories in CLE -- she did Reading 2 as a 3rd grader.  We also did the accompanying light units.  


(We're looking forward to starting Reading 3 in the fall!) :001_tt1:

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We use the Pathway Readers and I have been pleasantly surprised at how well ds has been doing with them.  I have tried using other reading programs and Pathway Readers have just worked better for us.  Simply instruction mom to child has been better than any other intensive phonics curriculum.  Many parents shun the Pathway Readers but I have seen good results.  We use Climbing to Good English to go along with the readers.  Again, the curriculum has surprised me with how ds has picked up the pace in his comprehension as we have been using this curriculum coming from something else.  

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