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Teachers Lounge 5-21-2015


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Feeling a bit 'lonely', I guess! Need to have the solace of the Lounge to escape too, if only for a short time.

I'll eat lunch and hang out here while the kiddos are actually getting along!


Lunch for me is organic cantaloupe, a Reed's Ginger ale, and probably some Boarshead Honey Ham. You?


Still need to do science with the boy and formulate a plan for dd's way past due Literature homework.

Cancelled my VA appointment for this afternoon so I can have more time with the kids. What's on your schedule for today?



Still need to get my act together for Saturday's all day potluck scrapbooking event. What are your weekend plans for Memorial Day weekend?


Talk to me! :bigear:

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I had an early lunch of oatmeal with a side of bacon at IHOP.  I know that was not probably totally gf but it was pretty much as close as I could get at IHOP.  (I'm not celiac so will not have super bad reactions if there is some contamination.)


Today's schedule as cut-and-pasted from my tackle thread:

One hour driving in rush hour traffic to get to dd's doctor's appt.

Two hour appt.  - which was a good one.  Some things were ruled out but I think the doctor has nailed down what is giving her trouble and is treating that.  

Ate early lunch at IHOP

One hour driving in still heavy traffic back home.


Found out that dh was leaving for work early - fortunately we had some stuff we could throw together for a lunch for him, otherwise he would have been on his own to forage something.

Have one hour to veg before heading back into heavy traffic to go back to the big bad city for my ENT appt.  

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