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Any "get-it-done-and-quickly" social science curricula?

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I'm using ITBS to test DS for end of year purposes, and I know they test social sciences...I think some of this is covered by history and the little geography we've done, but there will for sure be gaps: we are in Middle Ages now and have not done extensive US history yet, for example.

I don't want the test to raise red flags in test results that I report to the district, so I wonder whether we shouldn't quickly go through a social science book for say, 7th grade. Any that are recommended?

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There will be gaps for sure, but it's okay. My daughter says many questions involved graphs or maps or other common sense test items. He can't know all of science or all of history, so let it go. That said, I have my daughter work through a test prep book the week before the test. We use brainpop for quick remediation.

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There will be gaps for sure, but it's okay. My daughter says many questions involved graphs or maps or other common sense test items. He can't know all of science or all of history, so let it go. That said, I have my daughter work through a test prep book the week before the test. We use brainpop for quick remediation.

What test prep do you recommend for the ITBS?

I don't worry about the gaps that will be evident in the above grade level version of the test, but for the on grade level scoring, I need to report that to the district and don't want to open any cans of worms!

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I just pick up a test prep book at the bookstore - usually it's Spectrum, but any would do. Realistically, though, it doesn't matter whether at or above grade level in content areas. Many of the questions are common sense or rely on maps or charts or timelines. The test prep books will give some practice with multiple choice and may highlight an area your child is unfamiliar with. I know my daughter realized she knows very little about us government and economics. We've never done much in those areas, so we talked about it and she did a few brain pop videos and we called it done. Did it matter? Probably not, but it made her feel more confident and she learned a little something.

Just remember the test is norm referenced. His score is compared to a standardized group of kids his age. You sound very attentive and dedicated to his education, so I'm sure he'll do fine. You can relax!

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