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looks like the next 24 hours should be interesting Re - Hanna

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We are already starting to see higher winds and outer bands of rain.

We are ready to bug out if we have to.

Dh is busy with the towns EOC (Emergency Operations Center) so we probably won't see him for a few day, although at least this storm is moving fast.

We live one mile from the ocean and flood very quickly. Trust me if it wasn't for my dh great job we would not live this close to the ocean for just this reason(storms). We have been through a few storms and Nor'Easters before and generally do have some type of damage(roof, trees down, the siding blew off a few times, power out etc)

I hope everyone one else in this storms path stays safe.

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We have a branch of the Potomac in our backyard. I doubt we'll get much flooding, but we lose power here at the drop of a hat! So we have propane to cook on the grill, gas for the generator, and a well-stocked pantry. So we're set.


Keep us posted!!! Btw....I love OC!! My in-laws had a condo on 50th Street for years. Many happy memories!!!

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Good luck Karen! My DH works in SC's EOC so I can relate. We just went through that earlier this week! He either works a night shift or goes to the forward OC when they get activated so I don't see him at all (he sleeps in the spare room if he works the night shift). I'll keep you in my prayers! It hasn't rained much here, but we're far enough inland that we usually don't see much till the eye makes land.


Keep us posted and let us know you're OK!



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We have a branch of the Potomac in our backyard. I doubt we'll get much flooding, but we lose power here at the drop of a hat! So we have propane to cook on the grill, gas for the generator, and a well-stocked pantry. So we're set.


Keep us posted!!! Btw....I love OC!! My in-laws had a condo on 50th Street for years. Many happy memories!!!


I am so not prepared for a big storm.


Usually I am. But oh, not right now.


And the big tree in my backyard makes me nervous.



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We just cleaned up the yard, put the bird bath, plant hangers, bbq and other yard knick-knacks away. Ds20 did the obligatory run to the store for water (we're on a well with an electric pump), toilet paper, milk and bread. I think the bridal shower I was invited to for tomorrow is going to be cancelled. This ought to be interesting.

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Our church is having a crab feast--don't you know there will be die-hards eating those crabs even if it's blowing at 30 mph!:D


MamaL, if you need any help clearing limbs after the storm, call me--our church guys are great and will help you out. The rectory is surrounded by woods, as you probably know, and they are used to cutting and clearing a lot.


Gotta go cook and then get to the store!

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