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Help me pick a writing program

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I'm planning for my rising fifth grader.  He's an older fifth grader--he'll be eleven in October.  We haven't done much formal writing so far.  He despised WWE and we've stuck to just copy work of his choosing the last two years.  


He is not a very self-starting student for anything that is "formal school work" and has never shown the least inclination to voluntarily write anything more than a one- or two-word label on a diagram he's drawn.  He spells well above his grade level and reads and comprehends pretty much anything you could hand him.  He is very, very visual; very whole-to-parts; very interested in full mastery of a concept before diving in.


I'm trying to figure out what writing program to head for and what to do to prepare for it.  I think I like Lost Tools of Writing for him but I don't think he'd be ready yet (?).  I'm pretty sure WWS would drive him bonkers.  Any ideas?  

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I can tell you what worked with our reluctant writer boy. Writing & Rhetoric from Classical Academic Press. We started with the very first book of the series and gradually built up his writing. He has responded very well to the program. Each book has 10 weeks of lessons, so you could move through it at a faster pace if you wanted. They have samples here.

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Thanks, that is not one I had looked at.  I like the people at Classical Academic Press.  Where would you say this program leaves you, by the end of Book 5?  What are possible next steps?  I'm kind of a big picture person and I like to have a notion of where I'm headed.  And I feel like we had an awesome elementary time and I know what I want high school to be like . . .and I have no clue how to navigate from here to there.


(Oh, I see they are planning at least through Book 10/Grade 9).

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They're actually planning through Book 12. My tentative plan is to use two books of Writing & Rhetoric a year in combination with Writing with Skill. DS will be in 7th this year, so with 3 W&R books under his belt, we'll use W&R 4 and 5 and WWS I. I'll adjust the pace as needed (either slowing it or speeding it up), but I expect to have material to last through 10th or 11th. Why don't you try a sample lesson with your son and see what happens? DS was determined not to like any writing program, but I hung in there with W&R and now he really likes it.

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Hmm, okay.  I called LToW "whole to parts" based on reviews written by lewelma (I think?) awhile back.  Anyway, that would be too much for him right now.


I'll give Brave Writer another look.  I definitely mix my classical stuff with heavy doses of CM and unschooling so I always want to like it.  And I always leave feeling utterly confused--but it's been a couple of years since I gave it a good look.


I think I'm just going to print off a bunch of sample stuff and try a few lessons with ds.  


After feeling like I've got elementary school nailed with a really great approach that is pretty affordable and minimal yet providing (I'm pretty sure) great foundations for my kids, I'm feeling a bit of overwhelm and sticker shock about wanting to step things up a bit over 5-8 grades.



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In the last couple of years, Brave Writer has been issuing these project supplements that provide a loose schedule for copywork (you're supposed to use their Arrows, but we don't, we just do our own) and BW elements like poetry teas and freewrites as well as more detailed plans for a BW style project a month. They're mostly fun assignments that get kids writing. They don't look so much like formal schoolwork - for example, the first project in Partnership Writing is making lots of secret codes and writing messages with them.


Anyway, the project supplements are less than The Writer's Jungle and more specific with more guidance. So that's something to consider. He would probably be in Partnership Writing or Faltering Ownership. We did all the Partnership Writing Projects in the second half of fourth and the first half of fifth grade and they were really great. We're planning to use Faltering Ownership next. I have it set for next year. 

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