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LA Curriculum suggestions

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Looking for guidance, my DD has been diagnosed with fairly severe ADHD, she also has very low memory retention and tested at "low average" IQ.  I have been using FLL with the others and they are doing great, but it is so verbal and memory intensive I know this is not going to work for her.  Any suggestions on LA curriculum that would be more repetition, hands-on, or writing intensive?  She needs lots and lots of repetition, and her verbal processing skills need work.  We are K-1st grade level now.

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She is reading, struggling to decode but getting there.  We are currently using Hooked on Phonics and Explode the Code. I am looking toward next year for grammar and writing.  For this year my goal is to get her a good, solid base in reading and phonics.

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Shurley worked well for my dd.  It's spiral, with short lessons that can work well for ADHD.  There's an optional workbook with the sentences typed out.  


For writing, at that age/stage we did IEW's fable rewriting book and use the Milo Winter Aesop's Fables used by SL as a source.  For ds I got Jot It Down.  


I'd focus on the reading and handwriting, with small amounts of copywork.  With my ds, abstract grammar doesn't click.  I'm not sure what you mean by needs work on her verbal processing.  With my ds, I'm taking the "plant seeds" approach since it's going to be a while before traditional grammar clicks.  That's good enough to me, so maybe it would appeal to you?  So when we read a sentence for our reading, I ask him questions (why is this word capitalized, what is the end punctuation, etc. etc.).  I even run through the Shurley Q&A flows for grammar.  Obviously I'm not having him label, but I'm planting the SEEDS.  For him, just to answer Who or What is being said about or Where and identify the answer to Where... was challenging because of his language issues.  So I think it's ok to pick concepts where she's at and just do them in context.

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