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  1. She is reading, struggling to decode but getting there. We are currently using Hooked on Phonics and Explode the Code. I am looking toward next year for grammar and writing. For this year my goal is to get her a good, solid base in reading and phonics.
  2. Looking for guidance, my DD has been diagnosed with fairly severe ADHD, she also has very low memory retention and tested at "low average" IQ. I have been using FLL with the others and they are doing great, but it is so verbal and memory intensive I know this is not going to work for her. Any suggestions on LA curriculum that would be more repetition, hands-on, or writing intensive? She needs lots and lots of repetition, and her verbal processing skills need work. We are K-1st grade level now.
  3. Thanks! This has been very helpful. I'm new to this homeschooling life and sometimes feel like I'm stumbling around in the dark.
  4. Has anyone used the Miquon math program and is it similar in style to Math U See? I have a learner who is very hands on and has a concrete learning style. Hoping to find something like Math U See but a little more affordable as we are on a pretty tight budget these days. Any suggestions would be helpful. She is starting at kindergarten level.
  5. What do you use to figure out what grade level your child is reading at? Everything I've looked at is so vastly different, some 2nd grade levels are the same as other 4th grade ones? Any suggestions?
  6. So how will the new diagnosis affect the kids? I have a daughter very similar to the son mentioned above. She has not been tested yet (apparently she is too young -5) but we can see already, her adaptive and social skills are "normal" but she is still having trouble learning to count to 10 and still does not know her alphabet. All in her bio-family have learning disabilities or low IQ. We are concerned about how to be able to teach her, because traditional methods so far just don't work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  7. I will be anxiously following this thread for suggestions too- Started our family late: 45 yr old with 2 5 yr olds, a 4 yr old and a 2 yr old. 2 of my kids have learning/behavioral issues and 2 are super smart. I'm only schooling 1 right now but finding it difficult to handle life with peri menopause and 4 small kids at least 1 week out of the month!
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