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Way to limit use of a Verizon iPhone remotely?


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So my DD has an iPhone and Verizon is our carrier. I found out she has been using it at inappropriate times to surf the web after our computer limits/time restrictions have kicked in.


For a variety of reasons it makes my life easier that she have a phone so I really don't want to take it away entirely.


BUT I would like a way to make so that I could remotely shut off her Internet web browser address or set time restrictions on when the web could be accessed.


Does anybody know an easy way I could accomplish this?

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If it isn't using data you can usually set limits via IP address on your router. We used that when oldest was younger.


Later when we noticed texting late in the night we just discussed it because they knew we would see the usage it we didn't need a lock as much as discussion if limits and consequences.

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We added on a feature which allows us to turn off different services at different times. I think it is an extra $5 a month though. DH set it up so I am not sure on details.

Thanks for the tip--I looked at their website and they have something called FamilyBase for $5 a month. That will help but it won't block the WiFi access. I think I will either have to unplug the WiFi every night or come up with some other wise to lock up access after hours.



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The Funamo app is $20 for the life of the device and allows almost any kind of restrictions and customizations. Control remotely from any computer...also has GPS monitoring. Set time restrictions, apps can be quarantined until u ok the download, app, website, even text monitoring to some degree. Although if it was me, I'd just switch the phone out for one with no data. That would be pretty painful here and relieve me of all the monitoring.

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Bedtime confiscation of the phone is simplest.


Next simplest is to turn on restrictions (under Settings/General) on the iPhone. Turn off safari and it can only be used when you enter the passcode. Same with other apps that you choose.

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Thanks, guys!


I will check into Funamo. I will also see if I can figure out the iPhone restrictions.


True confession: I know, I should be better about consistency and should just take the phone away at night. But the truth is I'm hanging on by my toenails. My husband is mostly out of town for work and it's just all me. We are pretty low on Maslow's hierarchy...

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How can I do this? My current approach is very low tech. I kick everybody out of the room where we keep computers at 8 PM and I lock it up.


I did it by logging into the wireless router settings and change those. Specifics depend on your router. :) But mine had a restrictions tab that I could set hours to allow access (or block access) per device. I actually occasionally use it to improve my productivity by eliminating access during certain times of the day for myself.

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I forget what it's called, but they have a feature to totally control phone use. It's $4.99 a month. Ironically, we have it to keep my MIL from eating our data with cat videos on YouTube. I did see time limitations on there as well as limits on phone numbers they can contact if I'm remembering correctly. I set the data use limit and haven't been in it since.

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I forget what it's called, but they have a feature to totally control phone use. It's $4.99 a month. Ironically, we have it to keep my MIL from eating our data with cat videos on YouTube. I did see time limitations on there as well as limits on phone numbers they can contact if I'm remembering correctly. I set the data use limit and haven't been in it since.

LOL I'm cracking up about cat videos!

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I did it by logging into the wireless router settings and change those. Specifics depend on your router. :) But mine had a restrictions tab that I could set hours to allow access (or block access) per device. I actually occasionally use it to improve my productivity by eliminating access during certain times of the day for myself.

That's interesting. I think ours doesn't have this feature but I think it's because the equipment is old and provided by our internet supplier. When we move I think I will check out options that include this feature.


Somebody at work recommended a wifi repeater with a second password (so one for kids one for adults and just turn off the kid one at 8 PM).


Great suggestions guys! Thanks!

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Also DH set up two password networks in house. One shut off wifi at a certain time and the other is on all the time.


We had to look into this kind of stuff when we suddenly had a new teenager in the house. Some family members need controls in place and some do not.


Making phone calls is about the least used feature of the smart phone for this particular teen. :D


Also the family base informs you of contacts.

I remember a post a few months ago about apps for controls too. I kept meaning to look into the ones mentioned but it slipped my mind.

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