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Who of you are using MOH 4 and what components are you using?

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We did MOH 2 with many supplemental readers and some map work. Then we went on to MOH 3 with simply me reading aloud. We are 1/2 way done. I will continue to read aloud and finish it in the summer. Meanwhile I am thinking of next year.

If you are using MOH 4, what components are you using? I am interested in your reviews. Also where do you go after MOH 4?


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I have not used it yet, but it's on my list for the future. I plan to actually take about 2 years to get through it, including the maps and timeline work, adding in Critical Thinking in US History for my high schoolers and History of US for my middle schoolers, and some US Geography for my elementary kids, so it will actually be more of a "US History in World Context" course. After that I plan to cycle back to the Ancients.

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My high schoolers are using MOH 4 this year--here's a look at what they are doing. I SOOO wish this volume had been out in time for us to spend the entire year on it, it's very full and meaty.They are mainly doing the readings, map work, quizzes, tests, and exercises, some written summaries/T-notes, and an occasional paper. I would have loved the time to delve into longer research projects, but it wasn't out in time (as it is, we may still finish after our school year ends). My oldest graduates this year, so we couldn't put it off. I'm glad he could use this to finish his WH studies.


As far as where to go next--that might depend on what your kids have done and how strictly you like to follow the WTM 4 year cycle. I like adding in a separate focus on US history, so my kids only did 2 WH cycles, have done US history twice (we use a lot of Sonlight, so they have done their US history cores), and have done some culture/geography-centric years (Sonlight A and F), plus government in high school, and a semester history elective (a focus on their culture of choice--my son did Japanese history, and my daughter I think will choose Mexican history--each basing their choice on their chosen foreign language). Some people do a year of state history (we worked a unit into our US history studies but didn't do a year). 


So...lots of fun choices!

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Do you mind sharing what you did for MOH 3? I like the list you shared in your link for MOH 4. We have been using Sonlight Read Alouds and Readers since preK. I would like to see your list of Sonlight books you did with MOH 3. We are simply reading MOH 3 aloud now and I would like to enrich it with some readers and read-alouds from Sonlight or any other sources. Thanks!

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  • 4 weeks later...


Do you mind sharing what you did for MOH 3? I like the list you shared in your link for MOH 4. We have been using Sonlight Read Alouds and Readers since preK. I would like to see your list of Sonlight books you did with MOH 3. We are simply reading MOH 3 aloud now and I would like to enrich it with some readers and read-alouds from Sonlight or any other sources. Thanks!


Sorry I missed this earlier. Here's a link to what I did for MOH 3.  My oldest did MOH 2 and 3 in a year (10th grade) the same year that my daughter (8th) did MOH 3, so my list that year reflects combining them for read-alouds to some extent. I think a couple of those books are from Illuminations or Winter Promise recommendations--I looked at a few lists to round things out a bit, since I did a level per year. I also sometimes pulled books from 100-level cores since my kids were getting older. HTH!

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