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AP CS: what are you doing the next couple of weeks?

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Dd tells me she's finished all the assignments for Amplify MOOC, so we have a couple more weeks to prep for the AP exam.  We have the green Litvin AP prep book that she's been reading through, so she'll take some practice exams there.  I also have some practice exams that I've printed, but it may be redundant to what she already has.  She will also continue to participate in the webinars.  


What are you planning to do?  

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There are several years worth of frq questions available for free from the College Board website. These come with sample answers (high, med and low scoring) as well as full scoring guidelines and discussion of why samples got their score and what teachers should take away from that year's results.


Remember that Gridworld was dropped this year so she can skip questions based on that.

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