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Australians...how much does your 15yo earn per hour for p/t or casual work?


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I have, for the last ten months or so, a 14yo boy in every week to do lawn mowing and gardening for two hours each time. I pay him $10/hr, as that's what his mum and I settled on. I wanted to pay him a little more, but his mum said much less. I insisted in paying no less than $10/hr, and she was ok with it.


So he turned 15 yesterday, and I'd like to give him a raise each year, but not sure how much. At least a dollar, obviously, but maybe $2.


So I'd like to get an idea of what your 15 yo`s earn.


A raise of $1 an hour only makes him $2 richer per week, which seems a bit pathetic, but then he's already pretty thrilled with his $20 per week, so he probably sees it differently than I do.


A little bit of extra info not really relevant probably....he does a good job, but cuts corners sometimes, or dawdles over some jobs, but I don't expect much different from his age. His mum always tells me to pick him up on it if he's being lazy though, or not being thorough (which I don't really do). Up till now he's been a fairly young teen, but really matured in the last month or so.



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I think 15 year olds get between $10-$12 per hour in fast food joints, supermarkets etc... I agree about paying him for the job, as opposed to per hour. My 15 year old (who is man-sized :001_smile: ) was paid $100 to help a friend of ours do some tiling at a new house he was building. He was there all day (over 10 hours) & couldn't move his muscles for 3 days :lol: but I was surprised at the job satisfaction he got.

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Wow. Things sure have changed. Almost twenty years ago I was getting $6.50 at Target (adults were $13) and McDonalds was paying my friend a lot less than that.


..not that it's relevent now.. just .. feeling old. :lol:


Tell me about it. The going rate when I started babysitting was 50 to 75 cents an hour.

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