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Need game ideas for two concepts

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I have a friend who is asking me for ideas on what games she can play with her son who is having trouble with rhyming words and distinguishing between questions and statements.


The only thing I can think of is the game we play sometimes where we would try to out rhyme each other. What else has anyone played? 

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To practice rhyming my boys love to sing The Ants Go Marching.  We sing it over and over trying to come up with different rhyming things the little one stops to do.  After we go through the numbers we start branching out:


The ants go marching to the moon (or on their toes or in the park, etc)

Hurrah, hurrah

The ants go marching to the moon

Hurrah, hurrah

The ants go marching to the moon

The little one stops to ... [i pause and let the boys shout out "pick up a spoon" or "sing a tune" or "kiss a baboon"]

And they all go marching down into the ground to get out of the rain.



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If the child cannot yet make up rhymes like Wendyroo described, then your friend can recite very short nursery rhymes a few times, then pause for the child to fill in the last word of each line. That way he can get use to the idea before he's expected to think of rhymes himself.

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There are some great versions you can actually purchase, including one with a book by Nora Gaydos...but I always found them easier to do on the fly:)

One of our favorites was to just incorporate rhyming into ',I Spy.' So say 'I Spy with my little eye, something that rhymes with bee...I spy a tree.'

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I have a friend who is asking me for ideas on what games she can play with her son who is having trouble with rhyming words and distinguishing between questions and statements.


The only thing I can think of is the game we play sometimes where we would try to out rhyme each other. What else has anyone played? 


Maybe do a "line up" of note cards with words written on them  (kind of like for criminals--maybe even paper person cutouts?) and say "Some of these words rhyme, but there is a non-rhyming word here. Can you find it?"  Put a symbol on the back so he can check to see if he was right about which one is the "criminal."


For the questions and statements, you could do the same thing--put a statement in with some questions and have him pick it out.  You could also do it orally and see if he can hear the difference between a question and a statement.  

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Here's another idea--cut out fish shapes with words on them. Include one rhyming paired fish for each fish you create.  Put a paperclip on each fish's mouth. use a stick with a string tied to a magnet (like a fishing pole) to "catch" the fish. So he would catch one fish and then try to catch another one that rhymed. To make it easier, you could make the matching fish the same color.  


Or, to make it harder, have him catch the one fish, and if he can come up with a rhyming word, he gets to keep the fish. Otherwise, he throws it back.

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Books written in rhyme and poems were helpful for my kids to learn rhyming. I'd read almost all of the stanza of an ABAB poem, get to the last word, and they'd fill it in. Lots of joking of the "have you read this before?" sort. They liked being able to predict words.


While Dr. Suess drives me crazy, he has a great place here.


The question/statement game is harder. Perhaps make a rude/polite game? Variations on "Give me the book" and "Will you please give me the book" ?

Play "interview?" 

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