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Any issues in the long run not switching curriculums?


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I have been going back and forth on what to do with math.  We do Saxon, I enjoy it but my son has his days.  I have tried over the years Singapore and Rod and Staff but always come back to Saxon.  I have a dd 8 doing R&S and that works for her now.  I have a DS 6 finishing R&S and starting Saxon.  I have DD 5 I am wanting to try Abeka with b/c it looks colorful and fun.  My oldest DS 10 has done Saxon all his life (in 6/5 now). Now my issue, my DS 10 enjoys math but he doesn't seem to like Saxon but he does it.  I wonder if changing would be good for him but then wonder if it matters, he may still complain!  I think at times he should just suck it up and do it (most days he does) and then I feel bad thinking he needs something more challenging or fun. My DH says, "we have everything for saxon no need to change".  So my question mothers...did you ever feel like switching and never did?  Did you regret it?  Ever think "maybe my child would be better at that subject if I would have switched"?  Did the love for the subject go away and they ended up hating it?  Any thoughts?  Having guilt over this for some reason and can't get past it. 

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When I'm deciding whether a change is in order, I try to figure out exactly what is causing the problem.  So, with your son who doesn't like Saxon, what exactly doesn't he like?  Does he use it independently (reads the lesson himself and then does the problems)?  If so, would he prefer a more interactive math lesson?  You don't need to switch programs to deliver that.  Does he hate doing all of the review problems every day?  Some people only assign every other review set (though Saxon's strength lies in "all those problems" so you're going to want to be careful about that).  


And if you do decide to go with something different, just be sure it is addressing the actual problem.



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I can't answer specifically about wanting to switch and not doing it, but I can say that I often have these same questions and doubts. I would assume it's fairly common since we are homeschooling and in full control of choosing exactly what we think is best for our DC. With that said, if it were me in your situation I'd probably stick with what's working, especially in math. I think math is one of those things you can easily add in some games/supplements to make it more fun. My DS9 often says his math is boring or too long, but it seems to help if I let him play a math game like his younger siblings often get to do. You're getting close to upper level math anyway, so if you're really wanting a change, why not wait and check out other curriculum options for the Pre-Algebra/Algebra stage? That's what I've decided to do with my DS...stick with what's working, then make a possible switch around 7th grade.

FWIW, my youngest DS is 4 and he is working through an A Beka K math book. It is very colorful, but I'm not sure I'll get the next level. We use CLE here for my DS9 and DS6, and really like it. Also, even though my oldest complains sometimes about his math, he likes predictability and knowing what's coming. Making a switch sometimes takes time to get into a new groove. I showed him a BJU math book thinking he might like the color, and he was not interested AT ALL once we looked closer at the lessons. Sometimes they just need reminding that what they have isn't so bad after all, KWIM?

Good luck!

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