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I am sick...blah


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I've had a cold since Saturday. Pretty much everything above the neck hurts. Eyes, head, face, even my teeth hurt. My nose is drippy and stuffed, I'm coughing. Ick.


I'm spending too much time doing nothing. But that's all I feel like doing.


Hopefully, today will be the last day of it. 3 family members had it last week and it lasted about 3-4 days. So fingers crossed that I'll be better tomorrow.


At least I slept well last night. I took a nighttime cold capsule and passed out. It was worth the groggy feeling I had this morning to get a good night's sleep.

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We have barfing in our house. Yuck. While I haven't been the barfer yet, I still feel completely overwhelmed by the mess, the sickness, the keeping everything going, and the homeschooling.


Hope you feel better soon and can get back into the swing of things quickly!

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We have barfing in our house. Yuck. While I haven't been the barfer yet, I still feel completely overwhelmed by the mess, the sickness, the keeping everything going, and the homeschooling.


Hope you feel better soon and can get back into the swing of things quickly!


Well, it does make me feel better to think "At least there's no barf."


It is beautiful outside and I have several projects going that, if I weren't sick, I'd be looking forward to. As it is, they just seem like chores.

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Well, it does make me feel better to think "At least there's no barf."


It is beautiful outside and I have several projects going that, if I weren't sick, I'd be looking forward to. As it is, they just seem like chores.


We just moved and while I normally don't mind keeping up with my new house, right now it's just a complete chore.  I've sanitized, sprayed, disinfected, and mopped every surface, not to mention all the laundry. Oh the laundry.  Add to that there was a pipe problem overnight AND DH who is an actual plumber and can fix this problem is away pretty much the next two days so he CAN'T fix it and I'm just done for. :( 


So anyway, yeah, I get it. I totally get that chore feeling.

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I feel for you.  I got that blasted cold thing too.  Last week my husband had to travel out of town for work.  A few hours before he leaves, youngest started puking, and puking and puking, over 20 times in the next 24 hours.  Had to take him in to the doctor, talked to them another 4 times over the next 24 hours, poor little guy couldn't even sit up by himself but wasn't dehydrated enough for them to actually do anything for him.  In the midst of that, 2 of the kids came down with the nasty cold thing, youngest got over the stomach stuff and immediately came down with the cold, another one came down with the stomach flu.  I was counting down till DH came home and I could get a break, except he came home with the cold crud and now I've got it.  I think I'm the last.  Based on everyone else's recovery, I've got a couple more days and I will feel human again.  But I'm just about ready for my third nap today, unfortunately the kids think they want supper. I think they will wait.

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