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Arrgh! Why I hate renting...

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We're renting a house and got a letter saying that the owner is moving back to the area and we have to be out by 5:00 pm on September 30th. I hate this! We've got to find boxes, pack the boxes, find a place to live (do we rent again or try buying?), figure out a back up plan if we can't find a place to live, try to homeschool, oh, and keep my stress level down since I was diagnosed with GERD/acid reflux and started on medicine for it.


Thanks for letting me get my frustration out.



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Ick. I hate renting, too. We are trying so hard to buy - still - and just are having an awful time trying to get in. We've got the approval, but not cash, which keeps beating us out.


When we lived in CA, we were given 30 days notice that our rent was going from $1200 to $1900. No joke. For a 2 bed. aptmt. Yikes! The aptmt. complex did away with a low income housing program so not only did we have to move, but we ended up moving out of state b/c we couldn't afford anything. God has done bigger and better things for us since we've moved, so praying the same for you guys, too.


It's tough. :grouphug:

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Thirty days notice is all that's needed. Since the letter the management company sent was dated on August 29th I guess that's technically enough notice.


This is our lease renewal time anyway and we had no idea it wouldn't be renewed. So instead of a renewal we got a move-out letter.

Our landlord did the same thing to us on March 1. You know, I just don't think these people think about the renters and how a surprise notice like that turns your life upside down. I personally cannot even begin to think of doing that to someone else. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this. I hope you find a much better house in a better area for a lower rent!! :D

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