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5th grade-1 semester to study what?

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We will finish American history in December (possibly sooner, though unlikely).

I'd like to take a short break from history . And start the new cycle when she enters sixth grade. but what to do in the meantime?

I've considered a brief study off the states. Or maybe more in-depth of our own state history.

Or perhaps focusing on world geography? But I don't really know what that would look like. what would we cover, what would we focus on?

so if you had one semester to fill , what would you choose? (We really enjoy history, I don't really want to completely drop this block of time. I just need a new way to use it)

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My 4th grader has really enjoyed our detours into world cultures this year. We'll get our library books on a particular country, watch a kids' tourism video, cook dishes from that country, and make art inspired by their's. I think the immersion helps her understand why she's learning the history of other countries. As far as what countries/cultures to focus on, I'd look ahead at what you'll be covering in 6th grade history and try to work some of those in.

Most of the time, the library books have ideas for projects and recipes in the backs, so I'm not pulling it out of thin air. I'm not that creative. :P


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Maybe I should clarify. I want a history-ish type subject, but want to wait until sixth grade before we start a new cycle.


My 4th grader has really enjoyed our detours into world cultures this year. We'll get our library books on a particular country, watch a kids' tourism video, cook dishes from that country, and make art inspired by their's. I think the immersion helps her understand why she's learning the history of other countries. As far as what countries/cultures to focus on, I'd look ahead at what you'll be covering in 6th grade history and try to work some of those in.




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Why not ask her if she has an area she would like to pursue further?  Maybe a particular person she would like to learn more about that could also include learning about the history during the time that person lived and in that particular area?  


Or is there someone in your own family history that might be interesting to study in more depth?  


Does she have an area of interest in her extracurriculars?  Like does she love art?  Maybe do a fun art history semester.  Or does she like horses?  Do the history of horses and incorporate some biographies of horse trianers/riders, etc.

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world religions


current events

art history

student-led of whatever topic catches her interest

history of science

history of inventions

history of music

history of China or other region of interest


ETA: civics! We did a civics unit when ds was about that age -- fantastic. We read the constitution, memorized all the amendments. We also used the US citizenship test as a resource. This would be great after finishing American history.


Have fun!


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