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CLE Lang Arts--how far to go?


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My older kids used R&S English until last year, and we switched to CLE LA last year.  Still using it.


I like it, really I do.  I think diagramming is kind of fun and cool, and my boys do well with it.  They are in 500 and 600 now.


BUT--I just wonder how much of it we really need???  It is somewhat difficult to grade, the way the workbook says, "underline, circle, draw arrows," etc.  And the 600 level is already at the level of grammar I reached in high school :)  I'm looking at the scope and sequence of 700 and 800 and seeing things I have never heard of!! and wonder if I need to know :) but there are things in 700 and 800 that I would like the boys to know.


I guess it's coming to a head because it is getting very challenging for my 5th grader.  My 6th grader can read it and do it on his own, but I know that the 5th grader isn't understanding it all--and looking ahead, I'm thinking that 6th grade for him will be a hard, hard, hard year.


It has never crossed my mind to jump ship with CLE LA, and I LOVE the 1st grade level my youngest is doing.  BUT I'm wondering if I should switch back to R&S for the olders, or something else.


We use My Father's World and they suggest Easy Grammar for grade 8--which would probably be WAYYYY to easy for my boys at this point.


What would you suggest for someone who wants heavy-duty old-school grammar--but not too heavy duty? :)  If nothing else, I'll just go ahead with the next CLE--for some reason tonight, I'm doubting myself though--



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What if you slow it down?  As I understand it, the levels get really challenging so maybe stop thinking of them as grade levels and just as levels.  Meaning, look at level 700 and 800 as pretty advanced material.  If your kids aren't ready, then just slow down.  Do maybe half a lesson each day or every other day.  There is nothing that states they have to get through Level 800 by the end of 8th grade or they will fail High School English.  In fact, Level 800 would be just as advanced, if not more so, than some High School L.A. courses, KWIM?


Or if it is really getting too tough, certainly switching to something else might work well.  I would just slow it down, though, for the time being.  Give the material a chance to sink in.  Sometimes this stuff takes time to process and sink in.

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After I typed it all out, I think it helped clarify what I wanted to do.  We had used R&S until last year--only used CLE for 2 years.  But I needed a workbook approach, I had a toddler.  I think the CLE 6-page lessons are too long for my DS2, a little intimidating.  I think adding up my CLE order for next year with all those lightunits is daunting.  I think seeing this computer box upstairs full of LUs to throw away feels wasteful.


Rod and Staff is on sale right now at Milestone Ministries--I went ahead and ordered grades 6 and 7; I already had grade 6 & 7 spelling that I bought at a thrift shop.


We'll give R&S another go.


I don't feel like CLE is too hard really; both boys do well.  But it's intimidating for some reason right now for DS2. 


Thanks for letting me think it through :)  I'm excited to have something different next year--



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We jumped ships at the end of year 5 for that very reason.

Plus, not enough writing. My dd is now doing Daily Grams 7 to retain what she's learned. And a writing program.


I will continue ds until the end of year 4. I won't even attempt their yr 5 with him. ;-)

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I'm glad you came to a solution for your family. It does get tough at the end of 5th through 6th. Apparently it does get easier in 7th if you can get there? I'm hopeful since we're trying to press through 6th together :). I toyed with switching to Hake, but bought a copy of 6th and I'm working through it myself to make sure I know what I'm doing!

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