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Need a little advice/support on diet/exercise

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Got some blood work back and my cholesterol is high. I am thin but way out of shape. I don't eat really bad, but definitely could do much better. I hate working out. I have 6 months until a recheck to get it down.


Did I mention I hate exercise? But I need to. I know that. I just got on the elliptical for 10 minutes and did a mile and a half -- it was hard. Am I really that out of stamina? YES! Recommendations for how to progress with this gradually without killing myself. Can I do shorter spurts several times a day to start with?


I will be going on a low fat regimen too. I needed to cut out a few things anyway. And I do have a family history of this issue, so no real surprise, I guess.


SO, I need help. I need support. I need ideas for how to proceed please!


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Got some blood work back and my cholesterol is high. I am thin but way out of shape. I don't eat really bad, but definitely could do much better. I hate working out. I have 6 months until a recheck to get it down.


Did I mention I hate exercise? But I need to. I know that. I just got on the elliptical for 10 minutes and did a mile and a half -- it was hard. Am I really that out of stamina? YES! Recommendations for how to progress with this gradually without killing myself. Can I do shorter spurts several times a day to start with?


I will be going on a low fat regimen too. I needed to cut out a few things anyway. And I do have a family history of this issue, so no real surprise, I guess.


SO, I need help. I need support. I need ideas for how to proceed please!



I talked to my cousin about this awhile back. She's thin, too, and always has been, but her cholesterol is high. She's eating lots of oatmeal and doing more strength training than aerobics to try to bring it down because she cannot lose any weight. She was lamenting how hard it is for a thin person because everyone thinks you're healthy because you're not heavy and that it's easy to fall into that thinking.


Good luck :)

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My sister had high cholesterol, even on medication, until she added cinnamon bark capsules as a supplement. She tried them on the advice of a nurse whose husband had had the same problem and was helped by them.


Another supplement I have read about that may lower cholesterol is artichoke. I just got some capsules to try out.


Metamucil and any additional *soluble* fiber you can add to your diet are supposed to help. Just be careful about insoluble fiber (skins of vegetables and fruits, for example). People like me who have irritable bowel syndrome are aggravated by insoluble fiber. (Metamucil and quick-cooking oatmeal are high in soluble fiber, the good kind for IBS.)

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You can't be to out of shape because 1.5miles in 10min is I believe something like 8mph most people are happy with 10min miles. my best time is 6mph and I am working on 7 and it's taken me 5 months to condition for this. Maybe you went to fast and should slow down so you can stay on longer

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Dear Melissa,


I don't like to exercise either. However, with my predisposition to diabetes, and the increase in my blood sugar, I knew that I needed to make a change. I resolved to exercise 4-5 times a week and stop eating after 7pm at night (which is when I crave sweet desserts). For exercise, I decided to start power walking. I had my MP3 player, but music just didn't motivate me. I started downloading lectures from The Teaching Company, and now I look forward to going on my daily walk. For me, the walking time is well spent because I feel like I'm doing something productive (increasing my knowledge so that I can teach my boys). I get the downloads on sale, so it's cheaper than a club membership, and I actually get the exercise done. I'm up to 2 miles a day in 30 minutes which is usually the length of one lecture.


Of course, Teaching Company lectures may not be the right motivation for you, but I'd encourage you to find something that would; maybe audio books or foreign language tapes. With the right motivation I found that I actually look forward to my exercise time. It's really the only I time I get to be alone. HTH!

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If you like, you can go here for more info and ideas:




"Get answers to your cholesterol questions, and find out which factors impact your risk for heart attack or stroke by taking this free assessment. You’ll receive personalized recommendations about:


* Your risk for heart disease

* Strategies to manage your cholesterol

* What causes high cholesterol

* Foods that help improve cholesterol levels


Complete the quick quiz today and help keep your heart beating strong."

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About the elliptical, I am not sure that the measuring on that is really accurate. I did stay on for 10 minutes and probably went too fast. Looking back, I should have gone slower. It was hard to judge what I should do to get started, you know. Trust me, I am not in great shape with that stuff. Mainly, I have no stamina and low strength. I can do short bursts, no lasting power at all and flexibility is out the window too.


I was frustrated with how quickly I pooped out on there! But, it will take time to build up.


Thanks for the ideas, tips, support. I needed to instill better habits in all of us anyway, this is just the catalyst for that.

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