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Between BA4C and 4D?

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So we will probably finish book 4C at the end of next week.  :(  And the BA people are expecting to have 4D available at the beginning of April.  What do I do to fill the gap?????????  Before Beast Academy we did Math in Focus and she absolutetly hated it with a passion I've not seen for any homeschool curriculum before or since...so that's pretty much out.  I need some sort of bridge--some way to pass time that's not expensive, not dull and not Singapore style.


Got any ideas?



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You might try Life of Fred. We are doing Fractions between 4B and 4C. We will probably do Decimals and Percents between 4C and 4D to try to stretch out BA as far as we can. Of the 8 or so programs we have tried, LOF is the second math my ds has enjoyed - BA being the first, of course. ;)

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We do MEP, it is free for the printing.


It is also overwhelming at first look, so here is what you should do if you are interested - print the Practice Book 5a pages 1 to 30 for year 5 and the Lesson Plans for the same lessons. Then go through and do the parts that look interesting. The lesson plans include solutions for the student pages and additional activities.


MEP and BA don't particularly line up with scope and sequence so don't let that trouble you.

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We have done all sorts of things in between BA releases.


Zaccaro, Key to... series, Singapore 5, Hands on Equations, Danica McKellar, Khan Academy, math games, books, dice games, Math Pizzaz, etc.


This last time we finally just moved on to AoPS pre-algebra. I am still getting BA, though.

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We're using Jacobs Human Endeavour, Khan Academy, and Singapore IP (I know we're supposed to use all the books, but only this one seems to get done) between Beasts. If 4d comes out on time our timing might work out well this time because I challenged him to finish khan 5th grade before starting 4c, and he's working steadily to finish khan pre-algebra.

Deerforest, how did the jump to pre-algebra go? I have been thinking about that for next year.

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We have done all sorts of things in between BA releases.


Zaccaro, Key to... series, Singapore 5, Hands on Equations, Danica McKellar, Khan Academy, math games, books, dice games, Math Pizzaz, etc.


This last time we finally just moved on to AoPS pre-algebra. I am still getting BA, though.


I have AoPS pre-algebra. How did the transition go? I'm afraid it will be a shocking change. Did you feel like your student was prepared? I don't want a lot of tears (some is ok, lol).


I also have Life of Fred Fractions and Zaccaro Upper Elementary Challenge Math, and Math in Focus 4B. There's nothing new in 4B except decimals, but I could cover that in just a couple of days. Life of Fred Fractions is pretty much covered already. The Zaccaro... I'm not sure what to make of it. I want to like it, but I'm just not sure. It seems like you could do the chapters in any order. The first chapter uses ratios and he doesn't really talk about ratios till chapter 13. ???

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My son went to AoPS Pre-A from BA 4B (the most recent one available at the time), and apart from supplementing some work on fractions, integers (both of which are now covered in 4C, of course), and decimals (4D so, soon) he's done just fine. The first few chapters don't do any work with decimals, so you should be all set to start it if you like. I'd rather not have two kids in a book at the same time and my DD's only eight, so I'm not in a hurry.

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Thank you for the suggestions. My daughter has voted LoF, Zaccaro and to go ahead and start AoPS  pre-algebra. I guess our days will be full of Beast free math, at least until the next book comes out.  Hurry BA, hurry! Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I might wander over to MEP and see how decimals are covered. MEP, I've checked it out several times, but never really tried it.




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