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sometimes their questions just make me wonder if they do it on purpose....


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Right after lunch, while my kids were starting their independent work period my eldest asked me, "What does 'exasperation' mean?"  Her timing for this question, as usual, was quite timely, right when I had a LOT of different things all vying for my undivided attention.  The look on my face should have given her a clue as to the meaning of exasperation.


I told her to look it up in the dictionary while I used the bathroom, and I'd check back when I come back out.  The look on her face was a prime demonstration of the meaning of the word.


When I came out she had found the definition and read it.  Yup, she got it. 


"I hate dictionaries," she groused.


Ah, the trials of being 13 and having to deal with the world and a Mom who takes an unholy glee in making them learn!

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If I asked my mother to define a word she'd make something up -- e.g. paranoid = two noids.


Hah!  That's funny. 


I was constantly asking my dad who invented various things.  When he didn't know, his answer was, "Joe" followed by whatever the name of the thing was.  So..Joe Sewing Machine invented the sewing machine.

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