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Study skills class with the WTM Academy - any feedback?

Guest Learningisfun2015

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Guest Learningisfun2015

Hello, I am new here and I heard recently about all the online classes with WTM. I am wondering if the study skills class will be offered for the first time in 2015/2016 or if it has been offered before. If it has - has anyone's kid taken it? How was the work load for it. My son is currently taken Latin 1 with Lukeion which is a lot of work and he will continue with Latin 2 in the fall. I don't want to add another heavy work load class but the title and content of the class sounded intriguing. Thank you very much for your help!

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This is a brand-new class, so you won't get much user feedback--sorry! The Study Skills will require about half the time of a typical online class, and will run for only one semester. Much of the work will actually overlap with your student's other work, since the instructor will be asking students to use their current classes as raw material to practice scheduling, meeting deadlines, paper organization, etc. Think of it as a "life coaching" session.


We'll have a tentative syllabus online soon,



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I wish they offered a summer school class of this! Even a short intensive. I would love for my 8th grader to take this before heading to high school. We have been working on study skills etc., but I love the "life coach" analogy and think this particular student would really benefit from that. Well, at least I have a bunch of kiddos; one of them can take it! Lol



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