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singapore math/aops placement


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I rarely post here because I'd say my kids are sharp/smart/fast learners, not off-the-charts gifted, but this one has me stumped.


My 10-year-old is getting better at learning math really quickly. I gave him a test about 6 months ago and placed him in Singapore 4A (using IP instead of workbook) and he was so bored he started acting up. So I tossed that and put him in 4B. Same problem. Now we're at the end of 5A and I literally haven't taught him anything (he just "figures it out" but I do make him look on the text with me every once in a while to prevent gaps - I skipped grades in math and had a few random gaps). I ordered 5B, but I don't think there's anything he doesn't know (or can't figure out in a few minutes).


I just looked at the AOPS pre-A placement test and I'm pretty sure he can do all the problems. (I may have him do that Monday.) But then I looked at the post test and I think he can do most of that.


He's really driven and focused. He'd happily work on math 90 min to two hours per day. He wrote a poem about how Monday is his favorite day of the week because he gets to go to math club.


What do you suggest?


Thanks, Emily

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I didn't have my son do the pre/post tests, partly because I've read repeatedly on here that they're deceptively easy. While the topics themselves may not seem difficult, the beauty of AoPS is in the trickiness of the problems. I wouldn't skip Pre-A, which I think is what you're asking. He won't be bored, and it'll build a rock-solid foundation.

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I'd put him in pre-A and see how he does. You can always supplement with 5B if a need arises.


I do get what you're saying though about not teaching them anything. My Ker is finishing up 2B and we only use the IP and CWP. I don't think I've really taught him anything to date -- I have the TB and the HIGs, but tthey've never been necessary. I know that will likely change at some point, but I think that's just how it goes for the ones who intuit math easily.


Eta: I missed the part about the post-test. I agree with Gadget that I wouldn't skip AOPS PA.

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I agree about not skipping AoPS prealgebra. (The online tests are deceptively easy).

If preA is easy, you can whiz through the chapters and just do the hard problems at the end of the chapter, but I suspect you'll find some challenge there. Don't worry about the speed through the program - go as fast or as slow as needed.

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