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Re-introducing myself!


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Hi! I'm a homeschooling mom of two, and have been married to my wonderful and patient husband for 21 years. I used to post on the old board from time to time, but it's been awhile now. I didn't know that the board had been switched to a new format - and I love it! :D


As I said, I have two kids: a son who just started attending a public school college prep charter high school. He hasn't been to school in 6 years, so this should be interesting. It was his idea, and so far he's done all his homework but balks at any assignments that ask the kids to express their creativity. For example, his freshman English teacher wants the kids to bring magazines and collage materials to class on Wednesday of this week to decorate their journals, and to bring something that symbolizes themselves to decorate the classroom walls. He hates this kind of assignment. It was like pulling teeth to get him to choose things to bring to class. Ah well. He's also dysgraphic, and has a terrible time with writing. That being said, he did finish his first writing assignment early, and with a good attitude. It was his idea to go to high school, and we said we would support him as long as he does his work, and maintains a good attitude overall. I guess it would be too harsh to expect him never to complain about high school. :lol: With the exception of not wanting to decorate his English class notebook, he's doing well.


My dd is a 7th grader this year. She will continue to homeschool at least through the 8th grade. We live in California, and my dd homeschools through a public school homestudy program (as did my son). She goes to enrichment classes for 6 hours per week over 2 days. The classes are set up so that all the kids go at the same time on the same days, so they bond with their teachers and friends. It's nice. We are allowed to use any curriculum we choose to use. Some people there are practially unschoolers, and some are very structured. Most of us fall somewhere in between. I've been an "in-betweener" truth be told. This year, my dd and I want her to be much more structured. Here's our plan so far:


Language Arts: Time4Learning 7th grade/History Odyssey - finish Greece and Rome in Ancients Level 2. Then work through HO Middle Ages, Level 2.


Math: Time4Learning 7th grade + Key Tos


Social Studies/History: History Odyssey. We finished Ancients Level 2 up to Ancient Greece. California requirements for 7th grade include studying history from Rome through the Enlightenment. We will also be including the study of Ancient Greece prior to beginning the Rome unit, since we didn't complete it last year. We'll then work in HO Middle Ages, level 2.


Science: Weekly science workshops and homework from homestudy program.


Art/Music: Weekly art workshops at homestudy program. Piano lessons with mom.


P.E.: Dd is a serious ballet student. She will have 12 - 14 hours per week of dance at her ballet studio. In addition, she will have a weekly P.E. class at her homestudy program.


Foreign Language: Uh....here's where I really have a hard time being consistent. When she was 8 - 10 years old, she took weekly small group French classes. Once her ballet schedule ratcheted up, she quit French, and I will admit that I haven't kept up with her French studies as I had planned to. We own Rosetta Stone Spanish Level 1. DS hated it, but Dd may like it. I'm thinking of having her do that, even though she'd prefer the French version.


Latin: Looking at Cambridge, but still deciding.


Nice to be back. :001_smile:

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welcome back! We are in So. Ca...you didn't say exactly where you are...are you going to be at Disneyland for homeschool day?


we are in a charter school homeschool program too, we just switched to a new one this year...the one we were with was very relaxed, I'm hoping I can work with the new one, tho they are pretty relaxed too..just not as much as our old one was.

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Thanks for the friendly welcomes! I'll post this on the General Board. I never used that board much in the old format, so I guess I didn't even think about it. Sorry. :blushing:


KFamily - Enjoy your little one in ballet. Those were the days! Now our lives seem to revolve around dd's ballet schedule at times...


Hen Jen - My kids would love to go to homeschooling day at Disneyland, but we live about 450 miles away - so we probably won't make it. :D


Well - one day in, and we've already had a rude awakening with regard to dd's math skills. She was unable to do the Grade 7 lessons. I guess I did too much jumping around last year (some ALEKS, some Key To, Some Math Steps), and it's showing. Back to review with Singapore, and get her up to speed!

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