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Human Odyssey Vol. 3 & Mapping or Supplemental Sources?

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My 10 y.o. needs something more for history next year (and possibly the rest of this year). He adores history, we spend hours on it reading and discussing, and he loves mapping. Seriously, enough to want to study atlases in his free time and participate in the National Geography Bee next year. I can find awesome schedules by searching for vols 1, 2, & American Odyssey, but has anyone put together something for Human Odyssey vol. 3? What did you use for mapping? Additional primary sources?

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Thanks for the tip. I'll have to check out the text again. I'm not too worried about the level though because I plan to read it aloud anyway. We're reaching the 20th century and I know he wants to keep going chronologically. That's the main reason I'm considering going out of order.

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I do have a list (and I'm finally going to type it up now) but it is geared to an older middle school student. Dd was in seventh grade for HO 3, and her reading list reflected that.


I hope to get it posted, in a separate thread so it's searchable, by tomorrow morning :)


(Off to type...)

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I do have a list (and I'm finally going to type it up now) but it is geared to an older middle school student. Dd was in seventh grade for HO 3, and her reading list reflected that.


I hope to get it posted, in a separate thread so it's searchable, by tomorrow morning :)


(Off to type...)


That would be fabulous! Thanks so much! Ds is 2E/PG (although I know from other posts that your daughter is very advanced/gifted too so that may not make much difference here) and is really rocking history lately, but maybe I will make some modifications if the reading is too much for him. I would love to find some mapping for vol. 3 too. Ds is so spatial that mapping really aids and cements his retention.

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Oh that is good to hear that someone used it in 7th! That's when I was considering it but others said it was auite different from 1 and 2.


I'm using HO3 with a 7th grader. It is definitely not too hard for him. It's not really that different from 1 and 2, just a steady increase in reading level from 1 to 2, and from 2 to 3. There's not a sudden huge drastic step up in 3. The font is smaller but the book is thinner, same clean page layout that 1 and 2 have. Especially since you want to read it aloud with your 5th grader, I think it will be fine.  :001_smile:

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I wouldn't have any problem using it with a 7th grader.  If a fourth grader used SOTW in 4th s/he can handle HO 3.  I actually ended up supplementing a bit with SOTW 4 on occasion. I also used Crash Course history


We've used Crash Course a lot this year and basically I'm just tired of supplementing SOTW. I'm spending hours adding additional information and resources and we're just ready for significantly more. I think I went too slowly through the series and now my kids (well at least ds1 anyway) have outgrown it.


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