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what would be the best strategy for switching math curriculum in this situation?

Nicole M

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We've been using R & S, and I love it, but 11 yo son is dragging and balking and it does not seem to be working for him. He is actually quite good at math, though he's behind a bit. I think the constant overkill is bogging him down.


I'm thinking of switching to Singapore. I have the placement tests and thought we'd do one tomorrow on our first day of school. But I'm leaning toward just buying a book a level down from where I think he would be, and having him whip through it, as a confidence builder, as well as for some review. Is that a bad idea? Could that backfire?

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I don't know R&S but we switched (after Singapore and TT) to MUS. This can work well as both a remedial or gifted programme.


For the gifted they can watch the video and then test out of the lesson. For others there are 3 practice pages and 3 review pages plus the test per lesson. For new stuff or stuff he finds hard to get we would

1. watch the video together.

2. Chat about it.

3 review video if necessary

4. Play with the concept and the blocks.

next day.

1. play with concept and blocks.

2. Do a practice page.

next day.

1. maybe blocks

2 practice page

next day

practice page, if OK a review page

Etc etc


But other times he watches the video, aces the test (or any of the other pages I give him as a test) and he's done and we are onto the next lesson. This way he doesn't get bored, but can spend as long as is necessary on concepts he needs to practice. A lesson can take 10 mins or 1 month. This is what i like about MUS, "it takes as long as it takes".:D

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We've been using R & S, and I love it, but 11 yo son is dragging and balking and it does not seem to be working for him. He is actually quite good at math, though he's behind a bit. I think the constant overkill is bogging him down.


I'm thinking of switching to Singapore. I have the placement tests and thought we'd do one tomorrow on our first day of school. But I'm leaning toward just buying a book a level down from where I think he would be, and having him whip through it, as a confidence builder, as well as for some review. Is that a bad idea? Could that backfire?


I'm not familiar w/R&S, but Singapore definitely won't have any overkill. When we switched from ps to homeschool and started Singapore, we just went through the texts for a year behind to pick up any concepts (like the word problems) that weren't taught at ps.

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I am familiar with R&S math. There is a lot of repetition, and he may be tired of the "same old, same old". The repetition in Saxon finally got to my DD - we switched to Life of Fred. Today, she made a plan to complete the Fractions book in six days, the Decimal book in two weeks and Beginning Algebra. Look into it...


Many here also have made the switch to Teaching Textbooks. Worth a peek too...


I hope you find something that gets him "lit". Its cool to see when it happens.


Wishing you a smooth transition to whatever you choose!

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