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Marathon runners...I have questions...

Hikin' Mama

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I think I'm going to run a marathon, probably in late September. I've only done halfs and my longest run ever was 15. I've never had the need for refueling at that distance, but I'm sure I will when I start going past that. Before I start experimenting, what has worked best for you? As in, what do you use to refuel (gels, something else?), at what point in your mileage do you find is best to get some calories in, can you just get by with water for hydration? I don't even carry water on my long runs because drinking gives me a side ache. When I'm racing I swish the water in my mouth and spit it out to rehydrate my mouth but prevent side ache.


Any other things you've learned or wish you would have known before attempting 26.2? Thanks!


ETA: One more ?: what was your longest run before the marathon and how many 20 mile or more runs did you do before the actual race?

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Over about 90 min runs, most people will need to start fueling. You will want to start fueling routinely (at least weekly) for several months, so you can learn what your body likes best. This is a very individual thing. If you are fueling, start early in the run. The goal is to replenish your fuel needs as you go. Start experimenting with fuels and pacing strategies ASAP in your medium to long runs. You don't want *all* your long runs to be experiments, so start figuring out what you like, what you hate, how much, how fast, etc. If you eat too much too fast, you might get pukey. Same thing if you eat the wrong item(s). Eat too little or too late, and you'll crash. Worst yet, neglect your fuel, salt, and water enough, and you might get a treat of bleeding gut . ..  not fun!


For me, I do well with gatorade as my liquid (helps with calories and electrolytes in addition to the water). (You need to drink a lot if you'll be running for more than an hour and it is hot.) I like Cliff Bloks best. The red ones are my faves. But, for really long runs, GU Gels are easier to get down as many calories as I aim for (a gel every hour or so IIRC). I also sweat a lot, and I got very icky severe intestinal bleeding a few times after poorly fueled runs in the heat . . . So, for me, I learned to keep on top of calories, water, AND electrolytes.  I like the Endurolyte capsules best. 


Short story . . . if it is a fueled run, I switch to full calorie juice or gatorade an hour before the run. (Slug down 8-12 oz 15 min before starting if it's really hot.) Then I sip full strength gatorade during the run (about 8 oz per hour is what I actually drink, although I always aim for and bring more like 12 oz an hour.) I have a gel every 45-60 min, or a Block every 15 min or so. Something like that.


For runs under 90 min, I might carry a bottle of watered down gatorade or I might run totally without any fuel, EXCEPT if it's exceptionally hot. Then, even for runs of 60 min, I have learned to at least drink a glass of juice before getting out there, and drink another 8-12 oz per hour of full strength juice or gatorade. If I do that, I don't have explosive bloody diarrhea . . . You really don't need to see that more than twice before learning not to repeat your mistake. At least, it only took me twice. 


Oh, I like the Sports Beans, too, but be careful on the flavors. Some are yummy, some are gross.


My longest runs before my marathons were always 20 miles. I think both plans I did (for each of my 2 marathons) had 3 20 mile runs before the big day. They are vital, IMHO. I don't know, though, it's been a while. First plan might have just had one 20 miler. If that's the case, then that wasn't enough. I was sooooo much better prepared for the 2nd one, and that one I definitely did 3 20 milers before the race. Also, importantly, those 20 milers were always on tired legs. Hard fast "pace" or similar speed type run on Saturdays (8-12 miles) and then the long slower run Sundays. Sounds awful, but it was fabulous, and it actually prepared me for the marathon. 





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You can easily walk a twenty six mile day. Our family are long distance backpackers and when I started training for half marathons, I would just walk the whole thing. Without a backpack, one can walk pretty quickly. Then I started running every other mile. It works out well to pinpoint the spots you feel yourself shifting into needing something (food, water, sugar, salt). I do not focus much on my body's needs when I run, but when I would switch to the walk it would hit me right away. As soon as I knew when I would be needing, then I could handle it while running and increasing my distance was much easier.


I am Gatorade and chocolate peppermint Luna bars cut into chunks to refuel. The texture of gel and bloks makes me nauseous.

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OK, I feel like a beginner compared to Stephanie.  But we've done the same number of marathons.  :-)  I like to say I'm old and slow. 


I like gels.  Chewing is hard to me while running.  But some gels feel like frosting in my mouth, some don't.  I tend to find out what kind they will be giving me on race day and try those.  If they don't work, then I supply my own for the whole race.  I usually take 1 or 2 of my own just in case the free ones aren't enough.  Now I'm trying to remember what brands I've had.  Hammer.  Clif.  Gu.  I like Clif best.  Silly reason but they have a thing on the top so you don't drop the top when you rip it off.  (This will make sense when you see the packaging.)  I think I also like their flavors best.  Oh, I do not like peanut butter gel!  I like real peanut butter so it surprised me.


If you want to make your own - I found this recipe on-line years ago.  Like maybe my first marathon in Jan 07.

   6 tablespoons honey

   5/8 teaspoon molasses

   6 3/8 teaspoons soy protein isolate

   1/16 teaspoon salt

   1-3 tablespoons water

The protein I think was optional.  The protein I used was one of those muscle drinks.


Something that sticks in my mind from my first marathon.  I remember the race director tell everyone that if you are still on the course at 4 hours, to switch from water to all gatorade (or whatever it was they had).  That just stuck with me and I follow it.


I tend to eat (?) a gel every 45 min to hour.  I've read both.  Oh and if you get ones with caffeine, I definitely feel the caffeine kick in.  So if I get those, I save them for the "end".


I've only done plans with one 20 miler.  And then I get injured somehow and only make it to 18 miles.  A good friend of mine told me when I was training for the second one to never do a plan with something over 20.  Only go farther than 20 if you will get a medal for it.  :-)  (I don't know anyone who has done an ultra so I can't speak for them.)


Enjoy your race!


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EndOfOrdinary, I walked my first half marathon, too! I beat alot of the runners. :) I am really hoping to run this whole thing, though.


momofkhm, thanks for your info! I need all the BTDT info I can get. I am not going for any time goal whatsoever on this race, so I might be slow, too. Running across that finish line will be my only goal.

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