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Still have Grammar curriculum questions...


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I'm finishing up  FLL4 with my 10 yo dd currently in 4th grade.  I have enjoyed the style and pace of this curriculum and am looking for my next Grammar program.

I am intrigued with a few suggestions I have received. 


I'm looking for pros and cons re:


Treasured Conversations

Saxon Grammar

Analytical Grammar


Also, with Analytical Grammar if we have had the FLL lessons up to now will the Junior level be too easy?  I don't want dd to be bored!


Was thinking that I could just do TC for the time being and then move on to one of the other programs.  Has anyone done that? 


I didn't realize how spoiled I was having something dd and I liked so much!



Thanks for your help!


Elizabeth :001_smile:

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Well, I have a different suggestion.  We've done LOTS of grammar programs!  This last year we've done the new IEW Fix It series and the kids and I all love it!  It has very short lessons that you do 4 days a week.  Grammar is learned in context of real writing, not isolated skills.  I have two in level 1 and two in level 3 this year.  No one complains about grammar for the first time ever!  I'm even starting to see carry-over into my olders' writing which I have never seen before and my oldest went through Level 7 of R&S!  I would recommend at least checking it out!

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We also use Fix it. It took about a year for it to click with both of my kiddos using the program. When it did though, wow! My son is able to catch most of the imbedded errors including homophones and misspelled words. For him, run on sentences were hard for him to identify and he was frequently using them in his writing. I have seen improvement in both since using Fix it. I believe it is available for 2nd- high school. It does not include diagramming.

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We moved into JAG after FLL 1-4. Yes, it was on the easier side, but it was a wonderful, gentle review of what had been learned in previous years. My son moved into AG this year as a 6th grader and has continued to improve. I am glad we did JAG first. I think he could have done AG right after FLL 4, but it was a slower, gentler progression to complete JAG first.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the recommendation!  What grade/ages correspond to the levels?  Does this include diagramming?



If your child is new to grammar study I would say start with level one.  Level 2 if you've done some grammar.  I started my older two (ages 14 and 12)  in level 3 because both had significant grammar study.  My younger two (9 and 11) I have in Level 1.  It's more leveled, not age graded.  I've seen programs where books 3 and up are used in a high school setting.  There is no diagramming included.  My older two did some (lots for the oldest one) diagramming in other programs.  Honestly, I don't know that it really carried over into their own writing at all.  I now see a value in learning grammar within the context of writing.  Otherwise I just didn't see it sticking.  There is "parsing" though with labeling parts of speech over the words in the sentence.

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Well, I have a different suggestion. We've done LOTS of grammar programs! This last year we've done the new IEW Fix It series and the kids and I all love it! It has very short lessons that you do 4 days a week. Grammar is learned in context of real writing, not isolated skills. I have two in level 1 and two in level 3 this year. No one complains about grammar for the first time ever! I'm even starting to see carry-over into my olders' writing which I have never seen before and my oldest went through Level 7 of R&S! I would recommend at least checking it out!

This is what we use now after trying several programs. Grammar is now fun and painless. We're sticking with this one.

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