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Help me remember the name of a homeschool conference speaker?


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Looking for her because I'm looking for a specific word she used to describe getting angry with kids...


I would have described her information as VERY legalistic as a new Christian.  I remember feeling self conscious because I was wearing a sleeveless top even though it was my best and most tasteful outfit!  Her booth was filled with lace and tea cups and everyone wore dresses and no makeup.  Here I was saying bad words to her that I now realize were probably very offensive to her ears.


One thing that has always stuck with me from my interaction with her though all those years ago (18 or so?)...was that it is not okay to lose it on your kids.  New mindset for this daughter of a single alcoholic mom.  How my anger toward them was devastating and there was a much better way to parent.


I'm prepping for a talk I'm doing and I can't for the life of me remember how she described "losing it".

She had many kids (okay THAT narrows it down!) and a few of them recited historical prose about character.


I used to have a tape set where she talked about lots of things homeschooling but I was soo immature regarding spiritual things I heard everything she said as "DO this, DON'T do that" and I was definitely doing all the wrong things.


I might have a completely different description of her now that I'm older - which just goes to show me how prideful I truly was to be embarrassed and stop listening :(


Anyway, thought you all might be able to help me find her website...

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I found her.


I won't say who it is because my original post sounds like I'm bashing her.  I should have been more clear that I was trying to speak from where I was - not something she did wrong to make me feel bad.


I was googling her and up came a bunch of bible verses on her google plus page.


This was one...I'm posting because it was the same one I read as a devotional this morning and describes perfectly the mom I was before Christ and the mom now.  I sing praises for the loss of anger and the rejection of dysfunction from my past.


I hope this gives a younger mom who struggles with anger hope and joy in knowing that you aren't alone.


Psalm 5:11

11 But let all who take refuge in you rejoice;
    let them sing joyful praises forever.
Spread your protection over them,
    that all who love your name may be filled with joy.



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No, I never thought you were bashing her.  My memory was that, as a new homeschooler, there were a LOT of speakers at the conventions I attended who fit that description.  Because of moving around a lot I went to conventions in California, Colorado, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts.....so I was curious to see if she was one I had heard.  I don't recognize the name, but that's great that you have such positive memories!

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